Chapter 4- The Goblin Cave

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Kami slowly approached the cave, peaking from behind the corner of a boulder. There were no signs movement from the outside while she scanned the area.

The light of the sun was long gone, and in its stead the splendor of the moonlight shined down on the path made of rocks leading up to the cave.

"A-are they in there?" The small fragile voice came from her side. It was Himari, who had tagged along.

Kami had used a new skill to figure out where the villagers where, [Life Essence]. Most of them seemed to be together, holed up deeper inside the cave. They looked to be huddled up, locked behind a cage, or manufactured jail cell.

"Yeah, I think so. If you want to stay behind-"

"No, I'm going! I want to help free everyone, mom and dad as well!" she said with a shine of confidence in her eyes.

It was heartwarming hearing her trying to act brave for the people she cared about. If Himari was going in, it would be too cruel to not give her something to defend herself with. Kami reached into the air, a small sword, closer to a dagger, formed from thin air and gently landed on her hand. She offered the weapon to the small child who glanced at it too stunned for words.

"This is just for your safety, stay close behind me and I'll take care of the monsters, okay?"

Himari grabbed the small sword and grasped it nervously. She had never held a weapon in her hand before but a part of her felt the adrenaline kicking in.

"O-okay, but what about you Miss Kami, don't you have a weapon?"

She stood up from behind the large rock in a courageous pose, raising her hand towards her chest and a confident grin. "I have my magic; I'll be just fine~!"

Himari's eyes gleamed in response to her heroic posing. She nodded and happily got on her feet exclaiming. "You're so cool Miss Kami!"

They made their way inside the cave making sure not to attract any attention. The further inside they traveled the more Kami noticed that goblins were not the only ones here. It had torches lined up across the walls to light up the way. There were a few rooms around holding what was tools and equipment used to mine. It was entirely possible that this was an old mining cave, but seeing how recent the tools had been used, it was likelier that there was someone else besides the goblins using it as a refugee.

It was a few minutes of them walking straight into the cave before they finally reached a wall. The path turned and twisted deeper in and it was at that time that she noticed a few small figures moving towards them. Kami at once raised her hand preparing to unleash a spell but stopped in her tracks.

It was a few goblins but there was something off about them. They were blue and had runny noses. They coughed and glanced around with their eyes half opened. They looked sick, and barely capable of moving around. For a few, they blindly hovered over Kami and Himari, but eventually their attentive little eyes focused on them.

There was a moment of silence between the two groups as they stood in place seeing each other. There was no sound besides the small coughs and sniffing coming from the little creatures. It finally hit Kami where she had seen these goblins before. "Oh~! It's the goblins I froze up back in the forest. You're looking a bit... unhealthy."

The goblins just blinked in response, their feeble bodies barely being able to move as they swayed back and forth.


One of the goblins coughed before collapsing on the ground.

From Kami's point of view, she saw a small 'EXP +2' sign appear when the goblin landed on the floor.

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