And we're just getting started

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Hello. I just want to say that the first two chapters contain a HUGE spoiler for those who didn't read the manga. So read on your own risk. However, if you want to read, go to the third chapter, where the story is without spoilers.

„A sniper," came a shout. „Sniper!"
All people scattered to different direction in order to find a place to hide.
„(Y/n)! What are you waiting for?" Ryusui called from a safe place.

The sniper is here to kill the target and leave. You weren't in danger because the goal was to remove your scientist that you weren't.

You looked to the left, where the bar's and Senku crouched next to it. "Use your brain and look for new options, idiot!" you shouted as soon as your legs finally decided to move and started to run in his direction. Senku heard you, but it wasn't like he hadn't tried it from the beginning. Francois pulled you under the table as Senku mixed some liquid in a bag. Breaking wood, sound of gun shot and thud that moved the bar table a bit. The glass cups were making the sound of softly striking glass, which were slowly stopping after the impact.

There was complete silence. People who hid on board behind wooden barrels and things like that, began to climb slowly and uncertainly out. You turned carefully and saw drops of blood on the ground around the corner of table. Immediately you climbed out from under the table and hit yourself a little as you were passing around the corner. You knelt beside the body of the motionless scientist in panic. You were afraid to touch him, but you didn't have to think for long, because people immediately ran in and took the body below deck.

You followed a crowd of people who were in the same shock as you. What's happening? You fought your way through the crowd to the bed where Senku layed. "Huh..." was all you could say because you forgot how to proceed. Wasn't he the one who gave everyone hope? So why-

"Keep it together everyone!" came from the back of the room. As soon as you and the others turned around you saw that it was Ryusui who took charge and calmed everyone down since now is the best time to strike back.

"If nothing else, we gotta ... dig a grave for Senku." Your heart dropped. Ginro, who was crying not far from you... Only now did you look around. People were crying, but no one said anything. Ryusui stepped closer to the bed and looked into your eyes. It certainly wasn't the look on your face he was used to, but he was still smiling.
„Ha ha! Don't burry him just yet!" he said aloud that everyone could hear, but his eyes said that his words were aimed primarily at you. „Heh heh heh... I ain't dead yet, dummies," you blinked twice and immediately turned to the source of that weak voice. Your eyes were wide open when two figures passed you. Francois with bandages and Taiju, who cried even more. "Ahhh! Don't force yourself to talk buddy! You need to rest !!" Nice and clean ... Yeah, can see that, you thought as your face regained its healthy color and your (e/c) eyes have only now managed to release the tears. The atmosphere changed again, and this time, as you looked around, you saw cheerful glances and smaller screams of joy-

„Yesss! He's aliv-" and one big scream that was immediately stopped by Kinro and Matsukaze.

Finally, you dared to go closer to Senku. You looked at his bandaged wound, which gave you uncomfortable goosebumps, and then at his face, where the grin was still plastered. Slowly you looked into his eyes, which were already looking at you. You smiled and slowly shook your head. „You know this is not the way I would choose to end my character in chronicles," he said and you let out a weak giggle. "I guess I'd be more surprised if that bag to slowdown the bullet didn't work- And what do you think you're doing Luna?"

„I was just..." Luna began nervously, but quickly calmed down as she changed her mind. "Y'know, just what I learned," she replied evenly.
"Luna, are you ... A doctor?!" Riusuy asked the question everyone in the room now asked. Luna began to talk about the fact that she was just a student, and that she still hadn't learned much, but you saw hope.

Suddenly someone took Luna's hands in his and knelt on the ground. "You gotta ... Save him!!" Taiju begged Luna. After years in Japan, you learned that when someone asks for something so serious, they kneel in front of that person. But you have never understood meaning of such bow. "Luna ..." you began to talk as you clapped your hands together. "Please, we ask you to be our capable doctor. We need you," then you remembered how Luna was behaving around Senku. What glances she sends in his direction and especially how she dreams of romantic scenes that Senku and she will experience together.

"... He needs you," you bowed forward in your torso. There was silence in the room again. "Trust me. Me such capable ga- I mean doctor can and will save him," Luna said as wave of relief overcame you. You looked back at Senku, who was still smiling softly with his eyes closed.

"Either he's thinking about our new member of Kingdom of Science, or-"

Main Character Syndrome (Senku x Reader) Dr. StoneWhere stories live. Discover now