The Bridge of Socialization

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Where is it?! You asked yourself. Your clothes were chaotically thrown all over the floor and your closet wide open. You were already desperate, as if that wasn't enough, a voice came from the door. "This is what happens when you don't get things ready the day before. If you keep wasting time, you'll miss school," your mom said calmly but strictly at the same time. "You washed it for me last year. Couldn't you put it somewhere?" you asked hopelessly your mom who was leaning against the door of your room. "Definitely not," she sighed, "Can't you just put on your winter uniform? You'll start looking again when you get home from school," your mom suggested. "I can't. Everyone will come in summer uniform today and I'll be the one looking like a clown in my still winter uniform," you said dramatically. Your mom just rolled her eyes. "You'd rather risk being late to school?-"
"I know!" you shouted to the whole house. "I totally forgot I actually got my uniform ready yesterday," you walked over to your closet door and closed it. And there, on the outside of the closet door, your uniform hung on a hanger. "I didn't notice her at all this morning," you chuckled, but you could see your mom face palm. "Ok... Just hurry up," your mom said and left. It sounded like your mom had given up on you forever... Oh well.

I'm without breakfast today... Again. You said to yourself as you ran towards the school. Once you were on the sidewalk, you pulled out your headphones. Knotted again! You finally managed to connect them to your mobile phone and played some action song for the atmosphere. At this rate, I'll be on the bridge in 7-10 minutes. From there I won't have to run anymore, because with this run I will catch the time I lost. You thought about your strategy. As you were running along the sidewalk, you saw a shop with hiking supplies on the other side of the road. There were also mountain bikes that particularly caught your eyes. A bicycle would be useful mainly for such situations...- "Frick!!," you said out loud. You put your hand on your forehead, and when you got used to the pain, you opened your eyes. In front of you was a lamp that you probably bumped into a while ago. I'm going to have a big red spot today because of this thing! You said to yourself. This time you didn't notice the people around you or the bookstore that was your magnet for overthinking. You could only see the bridge, which you were now approaching at the speed of light, but you could hardly control your breath. That's what I get from the fact that I'm always doing nothing in PE when the teacher isn't looking! You started scolding yourself in your mind. You finally reached the bridge and stopped there to catch your breath. She slowly started walking on the bridge and chose a slightly calmer song on your cell phone. You looked to the right at the alley where there were always those people with your school uniform. This time they were much closer than when you see them every morning.
I feel like I know them...

"(Y/n)!!!" you would recognize that voice everywhere, even if you have headphones on now. It was Taiju. He waved at you and smiled as if he was really happy to see you. Senku was walking next to him with his little finger in his ear, and that girl you saw in the hallway that time. So I've been avoiding them the whole time?! You smiled and waved back. You wanted to put your headphones back in your ears and continue on your way, but when you looked at them again, they were already walking down the road in your direction.

You started walking together on the path that was behind the bridge. "Good morning everyone," you said and started to hide your headphones in your bag. "Good morning," Taiju said cheerfully. "We don't know each other yet, do we?" asked the unknown girl. "Yuzuriha Ogawa. I'm in your year, but in class A," Yuzuriha smiled. "Beautiful name. I'm (Y/n) and I'm their classmate," you turned and smiled at the two guys walking behind you and Yuzuriha. Taiju returned his bright smile to you. "(Y/n)?" Senku asked out of the blue. Your smile immediately disappeared from your face when he addressed you."Yes, Senku?" as soon as you asked, you turned forward for a dramatic image of superficiality. Senku noticed this and decided not to ask his question as politely as he had originally planned. "You played with make-up or something? There's a big red spot on your forehead. You're lucky there's no science club today, because make-up is dangerous in the workplace," he also said superficially. "I didn't play with make-up. I'm just... Something hit me," you replied with visible pride.
"Something hit you?"
"Yes, the lamp painted my makeup,"
"You've got some really stupid arguments,"
"Well..." Yuzuriha tried to save the situation because you had already entered the school campus. "Good thing is I have makeup in my bag so you can cover up your wound," Yuzuriha smiled. "I don't use it much myself, but I like to be prepared," Yuzuriha added when you were already in front of the school door. Senku walked over to the door and opened it for you.

Main Character Syndrome (Senku x Reader) Dr. StoneWhere stories live. Discover now