Vs. Tsukasa arc

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The book has a brand new title. I like this one better.

"You three either run away right now... Or we stand and face Tsukasa together," Senku said dead serious. "The answer's obvious!" Taiju immediately answered. "Of course we stand and fight, DUH! Don't misjudge me, Yuzuriha and (Y/n) like that, Senku," he shout already ready for a fight. "I didn't make the suggestion out of kindness. Running away may be the most rational choice in this case," Senku explained his point. "Uh-Huh... Still not sure what's happening, but I'll do whatever I can to help!" Yuzuriha quickly nodded. "Good to see you're both fired up and in sync-" "Do not forget about (Y/N)!" Taiju pointed at you. Yes, you have been quiet for a while. What's your answer? I've got my own brain. I am not following anyone blindly... Good thing is, this friendship is not like that. "As your friend, I'll always stand next to you in whatever situation or fight. And our symbol," you put your hand up in the air to show your other crack on your forearm, "will always remind me of this promise." All four of you looked on your forearms. Wherever you are, you'll always knew they are there with you. You will never loose them.

"If Tsukasa is running around smashing stone people... If he's really killing them like that... Then I've got no choice but to-"

"Killing them? Hm... I guess it's a matter of perspective," came the voice from behind you. Swiftly you turned around and saw that Tsukasa is back and is not looking very happy. "I'm thinning the herd to prepare this new world," saying as coldly as possible, he dropped his lion coat and made his way towards you and your friends. He is not hiding his murderous intentions anymore. Not even in front of Taiju and Yuzuriha. Tsukasa dropped some stone pieces of another victim he killed on his way back. "Sebou. If something happens to me, take care of our group. I'm gonna stop Tsukasa!" he shouted stepping in front of the man, who is currently silently approaching you. You want to do something. That Big Oaf is going straight to his death and you're just looking. "Se-" you looked at his direction and saw him aiming a crossbow right on Tsukasa. You looked at Tsukasa and then back at Senku. You grabbed the crossbow in the front part, where Senku held it and shouted: "More to the left can't you see-!" This action startled him and he shoot it right away. It flew over Taiju and to Tsukasa, but even though you fixed the trajectory a little by fixing the angle it didn't help. I just didn't have enough time to fix it completely. You mentally sighed, but it was lost somewhere along the way cos Tsukasa caught the arrow and yet made another spin, form which he gave Taiju really hard punch with his knee. Hearing Yuzuriha gasp and seeing Taiju fly all the way back made you tremble. Maybe... Just maybe it soon will be me. You looked down on your hands feeling terror, when Tsukasa spoke: "You're the first to ever stay upright after taking one of my kicks," looking up you could see Tsukasa's disbelief look. "It's not as if you couldn't attack just now. You just didn't want to... Why not?" Seriously?! Poor Taiju. That psychopath for him in a really bad position. Taiju opened his shirt and shouted: "I don't hit people! But you can punch and kick me all you like. In return, agree to stop smashing those statues, Tsukasa! Killing people like that is wrong!!" In this exact moment the three of you felt all your hopes just drop. Goodbye Taiju. It was nice knowing you- "You're saying I can keep hitting you... Instead of destroying the statues?... Is that it?" Tsukasa folded his arms over his chest and started thinking with closed eyes. "Yeah, exactly!!" Oh please stop this- "I don't get it. How's that a deal?" Tsukasa replied while looking like he was really thinking, but it looks like it's just not enough. I don't know what to think... And that idiot calls me simpleton! Looking to your right you saw Senku trying to understand the while thing, but seems like he couldn't... Like the rest of you. He even almost dropped the crossbow, but luckily you caught it. "If you keep standing in my way...-" "Attack all you want! I'll never quit trying to stop you!!" Taiju kept shouting. Tsukasa looked behind Taiju. "Then the girl you revived... How about I kill Yuzuriha?"

Main Character Syndrome (Senku x Reader) Dr. StoneWhere stories live. Discover now