Such Feeble Beings

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Hello enjoyers of this book ^-^
As much as it sounds/seems like it, no, I do not intend to stop writing this book.

This is also a Wattpad, so maybe I should say something like: Oh, I was in hospital, so I couldn't upload...

Not really lmao. I just don't have a very great discipline even after 4 years of writing books.

Believe me that this book will never get cancelled. I am not heartless enough to do this to my child.

This whole time, I was working on other books, so...

if you enjoy my work, writing style, and fanfictions, then you can simply follow and be sure to expect other fanfiction books currently in progress on: Rodrick Heffley, Levi Ackerman


The weird expression on your face incident passed quickly. Out of eyes, out of mind.

Which is literally meant at this point. You couldn't see Senku until the very evening. He closed himself in the Science Storehouse, doing some baaad science as Chrome informed when you tried to ask about it. It didn't help that Gen was sooo bored that he felt the need to ask y'all stupid psychological questions on the same level as the quiz you did in the laboratory back in the modern world (chapter 3). It escalated into an argument about psychology, how to write books, and love itself. It was obvious neither of you knew much about love anyway, as Kohaku stated, which only got her also involved in the argument. You guys literally shouted at the poor lioness, Ginro joining with small whisper about guys being more scared of her than they ever could be attracted. Which she heard, and the argument continued on until Chrome was brought to this, being asked about love since he is actually the only one who has a crush here. He shrugged, saying that he didn't know anything about having a crush, which got you all devastated by the reminder that Chrome is the definition of being oblivious. After that everything finally went quiet and you all just went your own way, though with your own thoughts from the argument.

Yet everything and everyone got reunited once Senku came out of the Storehouse with proud smirk, leaf in right hand and some weird black thing on it that looked like burned caterpillar that was about to eat the green leaf. You and Gen exchanged silent looks as if who should ask, which the Mentalist in the end gave up on and carefully came up to Senku, who as if already knew extanded his hand to give Gen more access to see. Mentalist only wrinkled up his nose. "Can that thing really make electricity?" he asked sceptically. Senku's smirk only grew, not in mocking way just being proud. "This is a bamboo fibre that I roasted." Oh, you remember that he did something like that. But when you wanted to look closer, he immediately retreated and instead gave you and Kohaku one... cable?! Yes, indeed it were a cables that when you looked behind yourself were connected to the only source of electricity you had. You looked back at Senku's hand at the burned caterpillar, and suddenly, your eyes widened at the very perfect idea of what was about to happen. Though, when your eyes met with Senku's smile and look of knowing exactly that your powerful fantasy figured it out once again gave you a silent message saying not to spoil it to others. "Do we need a high place?" Kohaku asked when you handed the wires to the scientist. "Kukuku, not at all, but I figured since we already went to the trouble of making it."

Chrome climbed up right after Senku to be at the first row of sorcery when it's happening. Senku carefully brought the two cables to the burned caterpillar, and suddenly, a spark could be seen, then brighter and brighter. "I see! Edison's light bulb! Made from Japanese bamboo." Gen exclaimed as you watched in awe. This was something that even your fantasy couldn't properly imagine, so much better, and it just gave this warm feeling of hope and fate in Senku's ability. No more fire is needed for the dark to disappear and your fears to hide away. It's not just the light that Senku provided you right now with. It's what it sparked inside all of you. From Senku having his nostalgic moment from childhood to Gen now really strongly thinking about choosing the side.

Main Character Syndrome (Senku x Reader) Dr. StoneWhere stories live. Discover now