Sky Won't Be The Only One With Rage

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After some good yet awkward night you could get your melted bucket out of that devil's invention. Well, technically it's Senku's invention, so you actually said the truth.

"In all honesty... There was no doubt in my mind that Tsukasa's Empire would win," Gen came to change the mood once again.
"Clearly," Senku said, unbothered by this act.
The mentalist smirked. "My job was to confirm your death once and for all, Senku. So if I went back and said, "Tsukasa! Senku's still alive!" Well, you'd meet your end soon enough. That was the plan. But now that Iron weapons are in play... Who can say how the tides of war may shift?!"
I hate that smile.

13 ours ago
"I-I've already declined his stupid offer before," you responded. Just stop looking at me, all of you.
"Really? Tsukasa-kun pointed out how your interests might have changed over time while being alone... Or so he thought," Gen restlessly continued.
You bit your cheek, trying to find the right words.
"Now now, (Y/n)-chan, I'm curious. What made almighty Tsukasa interested in you? He only takes strong and masculine people-"
"And yet... Here you are," you muttered under your breathe.
"(Y-Y/n)-chan-" he tried once again.
"Cut it, mEnTaLiSt. I've dealt with people like you and I've always won every battle. Am for sure not going to change it," you fired back while he was stunned.
"Then what did he meant?" Chrome asked the thing everyone wanted to asked. Except for Kohaku.

"Calm down everyone. I was there and clearly is not intending on joining him. She refused his offer with such big and hard words, not even letting him to catch his breath!" she explained with unbothered yet proud expression in the end.
"We will see then," Gen shrugged, proceeding to eat. "Even though I still do think that sooner or later your path will change, but in much different story, Writer-chan."




Every time he smiled, snickered or talked, those words, from the day before, came to your mind. Stupid. "So it's Senku versus Tsukasa. Whose victory would I enjoy more? That's all I'm interested in knowing," Gen went right into middle of your group to startle your wondering about Iron rods y'all did. Senku turned back to him with his hands on hips. "It's either... Back-breaking work in Kingdom of Science," mentalist thought out loud.

"But you can get treasures only science can provide you with. One of our most valued pearls: Ramen!" you showed him the other perspective. Mentalist looked at you and smiled. Finally an opponent worth of my effort, sure, not good as myself thou.

"Nice point, but in The Empire of Might I can have easy living. And if we revive some idols... I get my dream harem!!" he once again went through his priorities. "One of your most valued pearls? How much more of them you've got?" Gen tilted his head.

"Heh. Iron for example. You've got no idea what exhilarating thing you helped to make, Mentalist-kun," you grinned and crossed arms over chest. "Iron? Really? The rest of you, be honest... Which would you prefer?" he taunted your own words. "What's a 'hair-m'?" Suika suddenly asked, reminding you that the child's here. "Ah, sorry, it's nothing a child like you needs to know about," Gen quickly answered before anyone of you could. He then sighed. "Ramen is nice, yes, but a little hot. I'm leaving toward team Tsukasa at this point-"

"Gen Asagiri, right? A shallow self-serving man like you... Needs to be killed or locked up," Kohaku prepared her knifes. "Yikes! Scary!" Gen backed away from her. "Calm down... Lioness. Tsukasa wants him back home-... And that actually makes me wondering. What have you done, when your leader revived you? After all. You're not quite the person he had in mind while imagining pure new style of living," you questioned. "Haha... ahaha. Even thou you catch on pretty quickly, (Y/n)-chan, I'm becoming more interested in your Iron plan," Gen said nervously. You looked up and smiled when seeing Senku's head popping out from the shelters door. "Go on, Sensei," you said, letting him to do what's his thing.

Main Character Syndrome (Senku x Reader) Dr. StoneWhere stories live. Discover now