Type of Man for The Three Sparkly Sisters

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"Oi, Simpleton! Get to work!" your least favorite science friend shouted. "No, I'm not getting in there!" you shouted back. "Is she scared of water or something?" Chrome asked from the distance. You sighed and sat down on a nearby stone. "What's the matter?" Kohaku asked sitting next to you after scolding the two boys for not working, but more for calling her gorilla. "I'm trying to understand, that's all," you said the half-true fact. "We're collecting that creepy black sand-"

"I know... It's too complicated," you gave up on explanation while putting your face in palms. "Senku? Yeah, I'm having a hard time to understand him, too," she looked at the boys. "What? How did you assume that?" you asked getting a weird feeling out of this topic. "Sorry. I forgot you know him longer than I do," she smiled at you. You looked at the boy with red eyes full of excitement because of the rise of the Iron Age. "No, actually you're right. I may know him little longer than you, but I never completely understood him. And as I later found out he doesn't understand me either.

The thing is that I just don't know if that's good or not. In the past especially there were moments where it didn't really matter and I was willing to not care about it, but now I feel like we both have even bigger distance between us than ever. Don't know why is that, but I want to understand," you explained. Kohaku thought for a moment. "(Y/n), I do not know either of you well enough, but when I was little my father would give all love and attention. Not long after I got pretty used to it, he became a chef and suddenly had other things in his mind. Sometimes he'd give more attention to his work than me and I think that was the moment when I experienced the same feeling as you now. Only after some time I understood why he sometimes worked rather than played with me, but that just didn't mean he loved less," she said and even though you couldn't see it, she's pretty impressed by her answer. "Are you suggesting I should first give it some time and let the reason appear naturally?" you asked, trying to arrange your thoughts. "Yes, at least I think that will help," she smiled, seeing you now eyes full with hope and motivation.


"Good to see you joining us," Senku commented your sudden appearance. "Yeah, I should get to work, too," you smiled, which surprised him. "Good to hear," he quickly turned away. How long was it since last time he saw you with that kind of smile? He sure missed it. It brings hope even into him and his own dilemma of not understanding.

You're happily collecting black sand when suddenly something bumped into your ankle. "Eek!" you jumped out of surprise. "A watermelon...?!" You looked at the strange object with puzzled look. Then something came out of it and you stumbled back out of shock. Loosing your balance you fell in a water with a loud splash. No one pretty much paid you any attention, so you just cursed under your breath and stood up. "It's you, Suika, why are you here? Did you follow us all the way?" Kohaku asked the child, patting the watermelon helmet. Suika just nodded and held tighter the magnet in her hand.

"Hey! What's the big idea, Suika? You can't just go stealing my magnets!!" Chrome suddenly grabbed the magnet out of Suika's hands.

Suika looked like she's about to cry while telling her heartbreaking story about how she wants to be useful. "So that's why if someone needs help, Suika just wants to be useful-"

"Got it! You made your point. I'm grateful to be honest. Our Science kingdom needs all the help it can get I'm not gonna turn anyone away," he said with pure intentions and walked away from you as a hero. "You really know how to get people on your side," you smiled at your friend. "Don't know what happened to you, but yes," he smirked continuing to collect. Now that you're back to your normal self, that he always preferred since he found out about it, he is more at ease. And even though he doesn't know it himself, he actually learned one or two things every time you taught him (or scolded, for example the bonk situation) what to say in specific situation while being in this Stone world. Of course, he's still working on it. "Y'know, I've made up my mind. I'm going to help as much as I can in saving humanity and stop complaining about selfish stuff," you exclaimed proudly, making a step forward to get more black sand. "Heh heh heh... Good to hear. But don't worry. I'm sure you'll find your way to do something only you can."

Main Character Syndrome (Senku x Reader) Dr. StoneWhere stories live. Discover now