~ Chapter 9 ~ The Tears of a Broken Heart ~

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I woke up and was feeling different than I usually did when I woke up. There was something warm and pleasant very close to me, louring me back to sleep.

I woke up again which I'm guessing was a few minutes later, which could have also been an hour, and I heard a noise that sounded like a mix of a sigh and a grunt.

Then I felt warm arms around me, which made my eyes shoot open wide at the realization that the source of the sound and the arms around me was Alex.

A bunch of questions ran through my head.

Where are my parents?

How did me and Alex just happen to fall asleep in here?

Did my parents see us?

What time is it?

What happened to the cake we baked?

I sighed and rolled out of Alex's arms, trying not to wake him up, and lied on the other side of the fort.
He must have a teddy bear that he misses.

The sun was shining in my eyes, so I guess it's probably the morning.

To see the exact time, I glanced over my shoulder at the clock and saw the glowing numbers: 8:23.

That's pretty early for a weekend, but when did we fall asleep, 8?

Have Alex and I been sleeping like that the whole night? I'm just saying, because I could go to sleep lying straight on my back then waking up on my stomach with my hair and clothes all messed up, so I don't know how I could have stayed in someone's arms for hours.

I sat up, and blinked my eyes out and looked around my room, out the window, then at Alex.

I decided that I should probably go and wake him up. I'm quite hungry. I look at him for a moment, and realize behind all that part of him that is a troubled boy, he is truly a peacful person, in a crowd of horrible chaos. He truly is my hero.

This hero should probably wake up.

I put my hand carefully over his head and then ruffled his soft dark hair, making him wake up. He looked a little startled at first, with his hand in front of his face shielding his eyes from the glowing sun, and one fist covering his mouth area protectively. Once he recovered from the shock and sun, he looked at me a little confused for a second, then smiled happily. "Good mornin'" he said as he moves his hands under his head and did a little morning stretch.

"Morning," I replied, grinning.

"So..." He started. "What's the status right now?"

"Of the day? Well, I'm not really sure. I just woke up and I think my parents are here. I don't know what's happening. We should
Go find out."

We crawled out of the fort and I listened to him as he talks about how he can't believe we could have possibly fallen asleep so early as we made our way downstairs. Even though We didn't do anything wrong, I feel like those people in the movies who wake up with a boy after some canoodling and their parents find them together.

We innocently crept into the kitchen where I was expecting my parents to be, probably eating breakfast.

Once we were in the kitchen, we caught my parents eating a little bit of the cake we baked. My parents saw us, looked a little confused for a second, then looked down at the cake and had expressions like something that I would describe as "yikes", then they both looked back up at us and grinned politely. "What were you kids up to?" My mother asked, then suddenly looked a little like she was thinking "why did I ask?".

"Sleeping," Alex and I replied at the same time, then I quickly said "We fell asleep. We were lying on the floor in my room last night when the power went out and we just fell asleep."

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