~ Chapter 7 ~ A day for Ice Cream ~

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"Let's skip just this next class," Alex said.
I was too happy to say no. "Sure!"
"Let's go to the ice cream shop down the street," he offered.
"Oh my God Alex, yes!"
I was too proud of him. I don't know when the next time I would be sad would be.
We walked down the hall, put our stuff in our lockers, mburst out of the doors, then I said. "I'm so happy!"
"Why?" he asked.
"Because I'm so proud!"
"Of me?"
"Yes, of you! I've never been so proud, Alex! That was perfect!"
He looked over at me with wonder. "Was it really?"
"Yes it was really!" I was grinning like an idiot.
"I don't know what happened. It felt good to fight like that. I can't believe that I won. I think it was because he called you a bitch. That made me really angry. That was extremely rude."
"I don't care what he said! You were amazing!"
He smiled and blushed, but he still remained confident, proudly walking down the street with me.
"I don't think you understand how proud I am," I told him.
He laughed a little. "I don't think I ever will."
We walked along to the ice cream shop. (And when I say walking, I was more of skipping).
We ordered two ice cream cones, mine being cookies and cream and his being cookie dough. We both are two little cookie monsters.
We sat in the corner of the little shop, me happily munching on my ice cream while humming to Small Bump by Ed Sheeran which was playing softly above me. I really love this song.
"You really like this song, don't you?" Alex asked after it ended.
"Mhmmm," I mumbled with a mouth full of ice cream.
"You do know this song is about a baby, right?"
I gulped down my ice cream. "What?"
"I don't know."
"What?" I urged.
"This song is about a baby."
"I don't know," he chuckled.
"I like the songs lyrics. But mostly the song sounds beautiful," I started humming the 'you are my one and only' part.
"You like Ed Sheeran?" he asked.
"Love," I corrected. "He makes beautiful music."
He thought about it for a second. "That makes two of us."
I grinned excitedly and gave him a high five. We were silent for a moment.
"I'll never forget this day," I said.
"Me either," he replied.
"I'll never forget how epic your comebacks were, or how good this ice cream is. I won't forget anything."
His expression softened. "I won't ever forget you," he said.
The mood completely changed. It transformed into a deep and important moment, one more important to remember than Alex's epic comebacks or how good this ice cream is.
"I won't forget how much of an impact you have made in my life. You flipped my whole life around," he said. "I love how you did that. You found the loser kid from school and took him and made him better. I won't ever forget you. It would be a shame if we ever loose touch. I'll do everything that I can to prevent that from happening. You're the biggest person in my world, Wren. You're the best person anyone could ever ask for. Your parents are very lucky. I am extremely lucky to have you here. I couldn't have asked for a batter person to come into my life."
I was too dazed to remember to keep eating my ice cream.
I realized that my eyes were watery, and I wasn't a crier, so this is huge for me. I didn't let a tear fall, but my eyes were definitely watering.
"Alex... you're amazing. I don't know what to say. You've made an impact on my life, too. I don't ever want to loose you. Never." I smiled at him kindly.
He returned the smile, and put his hand on top of mine which was sitting on the table for just a moment, then moved it to its previous place.
I missed his hand.
"Oh My Goddddd," I exclaimed unevenly as I bounced up and down on Alex's back as he piggy backed me all the way back to school.
It was a little breezy outside, promising winter. The wind made my hair whip around above Alex as we made our way across the bridge.
He kept running, and eventually we made it to the doors of our cursed school.
We did our new goodbye ritual, witch was that guy fist clench, thrash forward and smack on the back, which we figured out how to do without me hurting my boob.
"See ya later!" I called back as I started down the right hall.
"See ya!" He replied as he ran down the left hall.

I was happy that day. I have to start realizing that even if there are some terrible days, I have to focus on the littlest moments that make the best of my life.



So hello, this is a new authors note for this chaper because I need to explain something. I will leave the old authors note down there so you can see it but so what happened is that you need to ERASE SELENA MORGATTI FROM YOUR LIFE SHE ISN'T IN THE STORY ANYMORE I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WAS EVEN THINKING BUT THE REALLY BAD LOWSEY CHAPTERS THAT I WROTE OF HER THAT ARENT POSTED MIGHT BE ADDED ON AT THE END OF THE STORY JUST TO READ IT OR FUN. I TOOK HER OUT OF THIS CHAPTER. SELENA DOES NOT EXIST. REMEMBER THAT.



Hi guys!
I'm just over here thinking 'that moment when your OTP won't realize that they love each other'.
I hate when that happens.
So guys, now is the start of a really juicy, gushy story. Big things are going to happen.
And I know that the chapters are kinda short, but I think that's how I'm going to keep them. Short and sweet, because I don't want to bore you guys with unnecessary information.
I'm so excited! Big things are going to happen in these characters lives, and I'm happy to share them with you!
There's going to be a lot of tragedy- yet a lot of happiness. Really interesting stuff is going to happen, starting with this next chapter.
Until the next crazy chapter,

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