Newt - abuse

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⚠️ {~ TW - mentions of abuse, assault, r@p€, miscarrage ~ } ⚠️

( this is before the maze and all that stuff )

Me and Newt were out sitting on a bench at the park, it was cold so Newt went to his car to get snacks and his jacket for me. I rubbed my hands up and down my arms to warm myself up a little bit while i waited for him. I heard rustling to my left when i turned around i was my ex boyfriend, my body immediately stiffened 'oh no' i thought. He had put me through so much, he broke my heart....he broke me.....and i never wanted to see his face again.

"hey Y/n, i have missed you" he slurred and stumbled closer towards me, i realized that he was drunk "i've been thinking about our hugs and kisses...." i scooted further down the bench to create distance between us two, old memories that i didn't want to remember were resurfacing, i wishead Newt could come back right now, i'm scared.

I felt myself start to shake as he continued to walk closer to me, he held his arms out "just one more hug" i swallowed nervously "my boyfriend is here, he will be back soon."

He stopped walking at my words and he seemed to get upset "boyfriend?" he asked looking me in the eyes. I looked away "what do you mean you have a boyfriend you wh*re! i am your boyfriend....and i've missed you....your body" he closed the distance between you two.

I were in too much shock to scream but that's what i wanted to do the most right now.

His hands made their way to my hips and then rubbed down my thighs. I slapped his hand away "please stop, i have a boyfriend who makes me happy and dosen't manipulate me and use me for my body, someone who actually loves me and cares for me and-" my words seemed to set him off and he slapped me across the face.

I didn't know if it was the alcohol or if it was just him, either way tears started to stream down my face and he smiled "crying honey?.....kinda like old times" he titled his head to the side and seemed to be angry "don't cry baby" his hand made its way to my cheek.

"you don't have to be afraid of me" his hands then made their way down to my shoulders "your skin is so soft" i wanted to defend my self but the pit in my stomach prevented me from doing.

"please" i begged over and over again as he continued to touch me. I heard noises behind me and my ex immediately removed his hands from me. I were scared of who it could be, when we were together he had friends that would play around with me however they wanted.

I heard a deep soft voice "love?" i recognized it as my boyfriend's voice.

I slowly got up from the bench and walked backwards running into Newt's hard chest. I started shaking as the memory of when my ex had first hit me returned to my mind "i'm sorry princess", "i didn't mean it", "sometimes you just upset me", "you know i love you right" or "don't cry" he had said that night after slapping me across the face.

"Y/n....what's wrong?" Newt asked, i grabbed the jacket from him and pulled it on. My ex stared at me and i stared back at him, stuck in a trance, that's when Newt realized who it was, i had described him to Newt a few times but it was too painful to open up at him about my past completely. I didn't want him to look at my any differently and i didn't want him to leave me beacuse of my trauma. We had been together for over a year now and he knew my boundaries.

He pulled me into a tight hug "it's okay love i got you, breathe" he whispered, i finally looked away from my ex and tried to calm myself  "did he hurt you just now?" Newt asked me, i wanted to say yes but i felt his glare on my back behind me "n-no we were just talking and i thought something happend to you, that's why i started crying."

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