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Well, here we are! My first Y/N story BUT without Y/N. Y/n is weird and I don't think y'all weird.. well you're gonna read this story, so I guess you are.. anyway.

"________" is were you can put your name instead. I read story with this kind of "Y/N" and I liked it more, maybe you will too. I'll use "they/them" for Y/N. (Clothing is written in female body though, and also more likely female features etc). ^^

I will use french lines and words for Lafayette if I translate them is on me tho xd I'm in French class so my French is okay. And also if there are mistakes when Lafayette is talking just keep in mind they're on purpose, he's french and I don't think his English is perfect xd

For clarification (I'll use "you" here cause it's "Y/N" pov):

Modern AU!!

George Washington is a father figure for Alexander and You. Also he's a teacher, your art teacher and Alexander's political teacher.


You struggle with ED, Alex is helping you with it pretty good.


You're a designer and make your own clothes, mostly just dresses, other stuff you buy like everyone else. Sometimes you also make some for others, that's how you make your money.


You live with Alexander in the college's dorms. You share a room with him sometimes because he has nightmares from what happened to y'all's mom.


John Laurens is Alexander's boyfriend. (I respect that they were real people and both were married and I'm aware of that, this is a fanfiction, after all there are many things that kinda proofs they had a romantic relationship/affair.)
A little... exercise for you:
I put a few Easter eggs, parallels etc. Into the story. If you find them: comment! :) they should be pretty easy. Those easter eggs and parallels are not only Hamilton related but also to the cast (also other things like marvel, life is Strange (a game) and more!)

I hope I explained everything and I hope you'll like this story! Have fun reading! And yes, you'll cry. I can't stand happy ends, they're boring.

Au revoir! <3

Learn to take your time! (Y/N X Lafayette) - [Hamilton Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now