۞ 14 / Please don't go ۞

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I was summing a song and spun around the kitchen, making something to eat. I felt two hands grabbing my waist, vibing with me.
  "What are you making?" Laf asked and I smiled.
"Something to eat." I only replied and he chuckled.
  "Okay, I'll wait." Someone knocked on the door.
  "Can you get it-?" Before I could finish my sentence, he had already gone to the door. Alex and Laurens standing there, they went right in.
  "What's wrong?" I asked.
"War." Alex said and I laid the kitchen supplies down.
  "I still have your unif-"
"No." All three boys said at once and I let my shoulders down.
  "You'll not go." Lafayette said and walked over to me.
  "I am going."

It was the exact same problem as the last time. I had my hands on my waist and leaned my head to the side. Laf slowed down his steps. John and Alex took a look at each other.
  "I told you, many times. And I'll tell you again, you may be a man but in this house, I'm the boss. And if I say I'm going, I'm going." All three looked at me with surprised expressions.

  "You could get hurt. This war will be way worse than the other, please, ______, stay home." Alex explained but I just shook my head.
  "I'll go again and you know that. Give me... half an hour, I'll be ready." All exhaled but let me do it. I went into the bathroom. I honestly was so happy I watched those weird DIY makeup videos on YouTube when I was younger, in my actual time. We already had most of the stuff I needed, so I made some makeup. Mostly concealers to make my jaw a bit more masculine and also the nose. It didn't take me long, so I was really ready in half-hour. I walked back downstairs.

  "My uniform.. looks different." Alex mentioned and I smiled.
  "I gave it.. a makeover, I had to match the clothes to my body, otherwise it wouldn't fit." I said and looked around, Lafayette looked at me, jaw dropped.
"How did you.. make your face more.. you know..?" He asked.
  "I'll tell you another time, let's go."

I took Lafayette's hand and we walked outside and on our way to Virginia, Yorktown. We made our way to the ground, I held my head down, so people won't recognize me. I held my gun up and shot next to my people, Alex was giving commands and Lafayette took care of me too. We knew what they planned to do, Hercules joined us at our place.
  "Hey, who is- oh my, _____?!"
"Shhhh!" Lafayette and I made and Herc smiled brightly.
  "Wow.. well, let's get started." He said. A few walked away from our place, I wanted too but Lafayette held me back.
"Look, I know it's a bad time.. but I think.. yea.. just listen." He said with his accent and I looked at him.
  "What?" He looked around.
"Will you marry me?" He asked and took out a ring.
  "What.. oh my.. Laf.." I smiled and looked at him.
  "Yes.. yes..! Absolute!" I hugged him tightly and he put the ring on my hand, we kissed deeply.
  "Let's go." He said after that.

We kept fighting against the British and I kept myself near Lafayette the whole time.


After a week of fighting, a young man in a red coat stands on a parapet. We lower our guns as he frantically waves a white handkerchief. Lafayette took my hand, we waited for a while until we left our place. I looked around for Alex when I heard a shot. I turned around and looked at Lafayette, his eyes widened slowly. First I didn't get what was going on but when I heard another shot. Laurens yelling something but I didn't hear a thing but my pumping heart. I walked towards Laf, he held his side and that's when I saw it. He got shot.. because of me.

I was already by his side, holding him, we sat down on the ground.
  "Hey.. boy.." I said. My breathing went heavily. Lafayette looked at me.
  "Hey.. hey, come on.." I looked at the wound and panicked, I took my hat and a few people were gasping but I didn't care. I ripped a piece away and squeezed it on his wound.
  "Keep pressure on it, okay.." I said shaking.
  "It's fine, ______."
"No, you idiot. You'll come home with me." He smiled. I felt Alexander by my side without even looking.
  "Lafayette, you're staying." I said. Blood flowing over my hand. The bullet shot him right in a place where it'll kill Lafayette soon..

  "Hey, stay with me. A doctor is on his way. Just.. stay!" I said again.
"Hey, it's fine.. okay.." he mumbled but I shook my head, tears running over my cheeks.
  "No.. stay.. stay with me, okay? I'll show.. show you.. something, okay?" I said and he nodded.

I took his hand and laid it on my chest.
  "Here.. here is my heart, right?" He nodded. Then I slowly slid down to my belly. Laf's eyes widened.
  "There.. there.. there is.. a.. baby.. baby you. Okay.. it's waiting.. Okay? Come on.. don't go." I heard now gasped more than talking. I felt the gaze of Alex, Laurens and Hercules on me.
  "You're pregnant..?" Alex asked slowly. I just nodded.
  "Oh my-"
"Lafayette, look.. you'll.. we'll.. be parents, you'll gonna be a dad.. stay.. you can't go now!" I yelled almost, feeling life leaving him slowly. The blood was running out too fast.
  "Laf! Please! Come on! You got this!" I gasped, holding his hand against my belly.
  "How.. how long?" He asked.
"Four months.." His eyes got all watery.
  "Please... Laf.. don't leave!"
"Take care of the little one in there.." he said, I held his hand.
  "No! No.. Lafayette! Don't you fucking dare! I love you..." Now I didn't care about ladylike, this time or different. Alex gasped when he realized Lafayette was dying, it took him really long. I hugged Lafayette against my chest while crying.

The doctor arrived and Alexander tried to get me away from Lafayette's body.
  "______! Stand up.. come on.. the doctor is here-" I cried more and more, gasping for air. Alex took my arms but I tried to get away.
  "No..." I said again but they didn't stop and I finally let them take me. Alexander held me tight to him.
  "No.." I said, again and again, I couldn't stand, so Alex and I sat down again.
  "It's fine.. it's fine.. shh.." I shook my head. Men were still looking confused over the fact I wasn't one of them, they didn't care about Lafayette. John was next to me and Alex just like Hercules. All three tears in their eyes. I held my stomach. My tears won't stop, the pain didn't end.

One last time.. I wished to kiss him one last time..


Author note-

Cry. People. CRY! I'm evil. And yes, I planned to make Y/N pregnant because in the 17th century was no protection for pregnancy. HA.


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