۞ 6 / What time is it?! ۞

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Lafayette is looking at me while I sat down on the bench.
  "Okay, now tell me. What. Is. Going. On?" He asked and I shook my head, still trying to keep myself calm.
  "Okay.. so.. uh.. I'm not.. I'm not from here." I said and Laf looked at me.
"Can I trust you?"
  "Of course, you can!"
"Then.. believe me,  this is serious." My voice cracked down.
  "Oh.." Lafayette hugged me and I snuggled myself into his chest.
  "Okay.. okay, start from the beginning, mon amour." He said and I nodded.
  "Okay.. so.." I started but then I freaked out again and stood up again.
  "How did I get here?! Shit.. shit.. shit.." I yelped and Lafayette looked at me.
  "Look, I don't know either..  but that doesn't sound... very.. ladylike." I turned my head to him.
  "Do I look like I care?! I'm somewhere I shouldn't be!" I cried out and he looked at me, saying nothing.
  "I need a fucking break.." I mumbled.
  "Just sit down again." Lafayette said, so I did.

  "For you to understand, you already exist here.." he said.
  "Yea, I've noticed that. But I'm still in the wrong time!" I said and he nodded slowly.
  "Okay, okay.."
"Where do I live?" I asked.
  "You don't know that?"
  "Mh, let's go, I know where."

Lafayette took me by my hand and we walked under the stars to my house.
  "Here we are."
"Mh.. uh.. do you have the keys?"
  "Why should I have.. your keys?"
"Good point..  I don't know. Do you know where I could've put them?" He shook his head, chaotically pointing at his chest. At first I didn't understand but then it make sense.
  "Oh my god! Of course! At least one thing didn't change.." I mumbled then and Lafayette looked confused.
  "Okay.. uh.. Can you open the bodice?" I asked and his eyes widened.
  "What? Oh.. right, let's go inside." I opened the front door and went in.
  "Which floor?"
"Third." I nodded and we went upstairs. We were standing in front of the door.
  "Now, open the bodice please."
"You sure..-?"
"YES, just do it." He nodded and I turned around, so he could open it. The moment it went lose I exhaled and leaned forward.
  "Oh my God... air." I gasped.
"You okay, M'lady?" I nodded.
  "Okay, wait a sec.." I said while looking for the keys in my dress. Finally! I found them and took them out. Then I stopped moving.
  "What's wrong?"
"I remember.." I whispered, memories running through my head. My mother dying. Alex and I were on our way to New York. My first design.. all memories from here.
  "Oh my god.." I whispered and couldn't breathe.
  "Hey.. calm." I opened the door a bit struggling and went inside, Lafayette following me.

The room was messy, and so was the kitchen and everything else. Clothes, pens, paper.
  "What happened here?" I asked.
"I don't know, maybe Hamilton was angry."
  "But where were I?"
"Maybe with me, I'm not sure." I nodded slowly. Then I looked up to Lafayette.
  "I have an idea!" I said, taking Lafayette's hand and pulling him out of the apartment and upstairs. The keys to the rooftop were somewhere on the keychain, when I found the right one I opened the door and went outside still pulling Lafayette after me. Before I could say anything he already turned me around to him, his hand on my waist and the other in my hand.
  "Can I have the dance?" He asked nicely and I smiled, nodding. We were making a step to the right then back, to the left then back, and so on. I chuckled sometimes but it was beautiful.

The sky was glowing full of stars. The moon shining on us. I closed my eyes and let Lafayette take the lead in the dance. Sometimes when I opened my eyes I noticed him looking at me with a little smile that made my cheeks blush and my head heat up. For the moment I forgot my problems and just let this happen. Lafayette was still Lafayette, if in this time or another.

It felt like hours but it was only a half, we stopped and sat down on the edge of the roof.
  "You know, in my time, the roofs are always closed.. No one except the caretaker has the keys." Lafayette looked at me.
"It's a new thing though, a few years ago.. a girl killed herself.. she jumped off the roof. Her name was Kate.." I mumbled.
  "Oh, that's.. sad. I'm sorry, M'lady."
  "Oh, I didn't know her.. but yes it's sad." I exhaled and breathed in deeply. Lafayette's finger touching mine just a little and I felt a few butterflies in my stomach.

I looked down and saw Laurens and Alex, both drunk.
  "We should help them." I said and Lafayette nodded, helping me stand up. We went downstairs and outside to the boys.
  "Lafayette! Mon ami!" Laurens laughed in a non-French accent and I chuckled.
  "Mademoiselle Hamilton.." he mumbled with a small smirk.
  "Laurens! Come on, we'll get him and your brother inside." Lafayette said and I nodded too. We helped them and went upstairs, laying them down in Alexander's bed in his room. Lafayette and I left and then to the living room.
  "I'll sleep on the couch, go rest. I think you need to think about what happened." He said and I nodded.
  "Alright, sleep well!" I went into my own room.

I laid down and tried to sleep but I couldn't. Tears started to run down my cheeks but I tried to stay quiet. After a while, I calmed down again but still couldn't sleep, so I lightened a candle and stood up, leaving my room.

  "Lafayette..?" I mumbled and I heard a little
"Are you.. awake?" I asked.
  "Yes, why? Is everything okay?" He sat up and looked at me. The little candle was bright.
  "I can't sleep.." I mumbled.
"Uh.. do you want me to... uh.. lay down.. with you?" He asked slowly, he didn't know how to react and I knew why. In this century people only sleep together in one bed if they're married.. really dark times, here.

  "Yes, please.. it's alright." He stood up and followed me. I put the blanket over us, snuggling myself at him. I exhaled and I felt him holding his breath, so I took his hand and laid it over my waist, then he finally got more comfortable and pulled me closer a bit. I finally fell asleep.


Author note-

So cute! Does anyone notice the "Life is Strange" reference???? *laughs in evil*


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