۞ 9 / Party around boys ۞

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I was with the Hamilsquad in a pub, they were drinking to the wedding, I just sat at the table and watched. Alex was the one who said I should come with them.

"I may not live to see our glory!" They sang and I closes my eyes in patient.
"But I've seen wonders great and small!" Alex smiled and laughed.
"'Cause if the tomcat can get married -"
"If Alexander can get married!" "There's hope for our ass after all!" Laurens almost screamed and I chuckled, cause they involved me in their songs.

Lafayette gave me his hand and when I took it he pulled me up, he put his hand around my waist and I laughed a bit.
"Raise a glass to freedom!"
"Hey!" We sang after Lafayette.
"Something you'll never see again!" I just stood next to Lafayette, watching them having fun.
"No matter what she tells you!"
"Let's have another round tonight!" Lafayette looked at me with a bright smile.
"Raise a glass to the four of us and -" they looked at me and raised their glass in my direction. I laughed again. They sang along when I noticed Burr walking in. I shook my head, trying to tell him to leave.

"Well, if it isn't Aaron Burr!"
"Sir!" Alex walked over to Burr and they talked a bit then I noticed Laurens, the drunkest of the crew, walking up to Burr.
"John! No!" I tried but he smiled and laid his arm around Burr's shoulder.
"Well, well, I heard you gotta someone special on your side, Buuuurrr! What are you trying to hide, Buuurrr!"
"I should go-" Hercules went on the other side of Burr and he mocked him a bit with a kissing mouth, Lafayette just laughed and shook his head next to me. Finally, Laurens and Hercules left Burr alone and came back to me and Laf. I gave John a little slap on the back of his head.
"Idiot!" I just said and he laughed.

Alexander came back to us, shaking his head. He took another shot glass and held it up.
"________, one?" I exhaled and took the shot.
"To.. Burr and his girlfriend!" The boys shouted and drank the shot. I pucker my face and shook my head. Lafayette took me by my waist and put me up, turning me around, I held myself at his shoulders. Alex smiled.

"You two should finally date." He said and I think I turned red.
"I agree with him." Hercules and Laurens said. I slowly hid my face in my hands the boys laughed while Lafayette hugged me.
"It's not very common for someone to act like this, while not even dating."
"I know, Alex.."
"Well, ______, would you like to be my petite copine?" Lafayette asked and I stuttered a bit.
"What..? Oh.. yes.. yes! Haha!" I chuckled nervously and the boys made a handshake. Lafayette hugged me again and I squealed a bit.

After another round, the boys drinking only, Alexander and I went home.
"So, you and Lafayette, huh?"
"Yes, as you can see." I chuckled.
"You two should've dated way sooner."
"Yeah, I know that. So what? Everything needs it's time." I said and Alex smiled.
"Hey, that's mine!"
"Well, I take what I want." I just said and we laughed.
"I'm going to bed now. Oh- wait. When are you and Eliza going to live together?" I asked.
"Oh, uh.. soon. Don't worry."
"Oh, I'm not! I just asked."
"Is Lafayette gonna live with you?"
"Huh? I don't.. I don't know." He nodded.
"Okay, well good night! Sleep well." He said, I hugged him and kissed him on his cheek.
"You too!"


Author note-

I did not really like this chapter.. whatever.


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