۞ 10 / Battle ۞

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Since the party, I haven't left Lafayette's side. We were together almost every day. But now he has to go with Alex and the others to war.
"I'm going with you." I said.
"No, ______, you can't-"
"I'm going with you. I'll not leave you!" Alex looked between me and Lafayette.
"I love your temper, I really do, but, _______.. please, if something is gonna happen to you.."
"It won't. Alex used to show me how to handle a gun." Alex turned around, while Lafayette looked at him.
"Alex! Tell him!"
"You can't go with us.."
"Sweet Jesus. I'm going, I don't care."
"They won't let you-"
"Alex, do you have another suit?"
"Yes, why- oh no! You stay here."
"I'm not gonna lose any of you." I pointed at the boys.
"_______!" I ignored Alex and went to his room, taking another suit out of his closet.
"No, you're not gonna take-"
"Out, I have to change." I pushed him out and closed the door.

I put on the uniform and damn, I looked good. I found an easy band-aid and wrapped it over my chest, which made it smaller. My hair was in a tight bun, I pulled the collar a bit higher and exhaled. I'm going to a freaking war now. The shoes didn't fit right, but I'll find some in Washington's room. Gotta sneak in though. I stepped out of the room and Lafayette looked up at first, then he looked down and back to me.
"Holy.." Alex looked now too and Laurens too, his jaw dropped.
"Well, I'm ready."
"Oh no, take them off-"
"I'm going with you. Period." I walked past Alex and downstairs.

We were at George Washington's General office, I went to the other changing rooms, and listened if someone was in there but it was quiet. Then I went in, took shoes which fitted and put on a hat, to cover my hair. The boys behind me.
"Now, I'm ready. Had to find other shoes." Lafayette still hasn't said a thing, he just stared.
"Oh my god.." Laurens said again.
"And that's my best friend, wow." Lafayette gave Laurens a jealous look and pushed him slightly. I chuckled and we walked outside.

I looked down, hoping no one gonna recognize me. And no one did. Throughout the battle, Alex asked Washington to take command but he said no overtime, just to put Charles Lee in command. Even I was pissed.
"Hamilton! Have Lafayette take the lead!" Alex exhaled but did as he got told, I was always on Lafayette's side and didn't leave.

Lee was talking shit about Washington and Alex got angry. "Strong words from Lee, someone 'oughta hold him to it!"
"I can't disobey direct orders.." Alex said. I looked between the boys.
"Then I'll do it." John said.
"John.." I started but he looked at me.
"You went here while everyone said you shouldn't, now let me do it." I exhaled and followed John, Alex, Burr, and Lee. Lafayette was in command and asked me to let him do it alone. I just hoped he won't get hurt.

"Hamilton! Meet me inside." Washington said, then he looked at me and I looked down, but he already recognized me.

"You too." Washington said, looking down on me. Alex and I went inside, I stood next to him, my hands behind my back.
"Don't call me son." Alex said before Washington could even say more.
"This war is hard enough without infighting."
"Lee called you out, We called his bluff"
"You solve nothing! you aggravate our allies to the south!" Washington said angrily.
"You're absolutely right, John should have shot him in the mouth. That would've shut him up." Alex responded and I looked at him.
"Alex-" He got me quiet with a short glare.
"I'm notcha son."
"Alex.." I said again. But I got ignored.
"Watch your tone! I am not a maiden in need of defending, I am grown! -" Alex interrupted Washington and I got nervous.
"Charles Lee, Thomas Conway. These men take your name and they rake it through the mud-"
"My name's been through a lot, I can take it." I looked between those two. I knew Alex was mad at our father for leaving us, Washington always has been a father figure for him.. why is he so upset?
"Well, I don't have your name. I don't have your titles. I don't have your land. But, if you-" Alex explained, turning around to Washington.
"If you gave me command of a battalion, a group of men to lead. I could fly above my station after the war!" I understood why Alex wanted to be in lead but he was talking to Washington and right now he's losing his temper.. slowly. Alex followed Washington around while I stood between them.
"Or you could die and we need you alive!" Washington explained, first with his back facing us but then he turned around.
"I'm more than willing to die!"
"Alex, stop-" I tried again, he usually listens to me but right now I wasn't able to do anything against his ego.
"Your wife needs you alive, son, I need you alive!" Washington walked back to Alex, frustrated because he couldn't get through Alex's mind.
"CALL ME SON ONE MORE TIME-!" He snapped and I gasped, flinched together and looked at my brother in shock. I've never seen him like this before. Alexander has tears in the corner of his eyes, he was breathing heavily, looking down.
"Go home, Alexander." Alex looked up a bit.
"That's an order from your commander."
"Sir-" my brother whispered with a soft voice.
"Go home." Both looked at each other for a moment then Alex walked out.

"______, why are you here?" He asked me after a long break.
"Sir, I just wanted to help my brother." I explained, still talking in a deeper voice.
"You can't be here."
"But I am, sir. And I won't leave. I know how to fight, I grew up with Alexander-"
"I don't need to know that. You should be at home, ______."
"I apologize, but I won't let them go alone.. I'm not sorry for doing what's right-" He shook his head and I stopped in the sentence.
"Go home, with Alexander. I'll take care of Lafayette." I wasn't in the right place to argue with him after this with Alex, so I looked down.
"Please bring him back to me.. safe." I said and nodded shortly, leaving the room.

Alexander was waiting for me behind the door. I looked at him and pulled him into a hug. I heard a little sniff.
"Let's go.." He nodded, I took his hand and squeezed it.
"It's alright, Alex." We walked away.
"I didn't mean to snap." He apologized.
"I know, it's okay. You don't have to-"
"I'm sorry, ______. I really am, it just.. I'm mad that General Washington didn't let me help as a commander. Lee and Washington never agreed, so why him?" He shook his head.
"I know.. it's fine." Alex looked at me and I smiled a bit. Then we finally arrived at Alexander and Eliza's home.


Author note-

Long chapter hehe ^^
Washington is a father figure for me too, it's ridiculous. I literally have so many father figures in so many different movies and shows.. why Washington? Why???


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