۞ 2 / The dress ۞

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  "So, you and Lafayette, huh?" Alex said and put his arm over my shoulder, tipping his hip against mine while we were walking to the store.
  "I'm sorry? I don't even know him!"
  "So what? Usually, you don't talk to people you don't know." He said and chuckled slightly. That was true.. talking to people was really hard for me. What was different  with Lafayette and his friends? I shook my head, so I wouldn't think about it so much.

Alex smiled and we entered the store for clothing fabrics. A man was standing behind the counter and looked up.
  "Hello! How can I help?" He asked and I swallowed my anxiety.
  "Uhm.. We.. uh.. I'll..  look around.." I said quietly he nodded. I grabbed Alexander's arm and we looked around to find the right fabric.

  "Which color,  ________?"
"I.. I need a purple one. A bit of green and silver too!" I said and found a good tone.
  "This one and.. those two." Alexander nodded and got the man.
  "How much do you need?"
"Uh.. well.. the purple is almost.. done.. but I.." I stuttered a little, hated my fear.
  "We would need the whole fabric." Alex finished my sentence and I exhaled a little, nodding to the man.
  "Well.. I'm not sure if I can give the whole fabric but we have a few other purple tones in the backyard." He said and Alex looked at me, I nodded again.
  "Well, let's go!" We went back and I looked around, already seeing the perfect color. It was a bit of a darker purple, a little shinier too though.
  "I think.. I like this one." I mumbled again and smiled slightly.
  "Sure. How much?"
"Uhm.. can I talk to my brother quickly?" I asked nervously and the man nodded.

  "What's wrong?" Alex asked and I exhaled.
  "I don't think I have enough money yet."
  "Why not? If not, I can buy you the fabric!" He said and smiled.
  "No, I'd love to buy it myself but the women who ordered a few dresses still haven't paid me back, they have time due Monday."
  "What? ________! That's not okay!" I nodded fast and exhaled again.
  "Look, maybe I shouldn't go to the ball.."
  "No! You go. I'll ask if they could maybe lay aside a bit of the fabric you need..."
  "You would do that?"
"Yes, of course!" He said and gasped dramatically which made me chuckle.
  "Okay.. thank you!" I hugged him and waited for him to ask. After we finished we went back.

A few hours later I was sitting at my desk, drawing down each part of my dress separately. I already finished the arms, now I need to make the other few. My phone rang and I picked it up.
  "Yo?" I asked, my best friend, Ellie was calling from London. She's over there for the university.
  "How you're doing?" She asked and I put them on speaker.
  "I'm fine, a little bit tired, though. What about you?" I asked back and I heard someone yelling around.
  "Are you okay?" I asked again.
"Yes, my roommates are going crazy. Anyway, I'm fine. The university is awesome!" She said and I chuckled.
  "Well, that's great."
"And you?"
  "I'm on my ball dress right now." I explained while thinking about changing a bit of the dress.
  "Uhhh! Which dress? Which ball?!?"
  "Well, in a few weeks is the anniversary of the college and the theme is 17ths!"
  "Uh! That sounds cool! Who are you going with?" She asked and I heard her yelled back at their roommate.
  "Well, I don't have a date yet-" "Get one! I mean look at you!" I chuckled nervously, getting a little insecure.
  "Thank you.. but I'll find someone.. by my own." We laughed and talked for a few more hours until it got dark, then I told my friend that I needed to hang up. I was honestly just tired and I know her, she'll keep me awake for another hour if I tell her I'm tired.

I laid my head down on my desk and exhaled, my thoughts went to Lafayette. His bright smile won't leave my mind, and his brown eyes.. oh.. his eyes!

My phone started to ring again and I flinched back. Big Asshole² was on the display and I picked it up.
"Hey, M'lady! It's Lafayette.. um.. me and the boys would like to bring you.. your brother." He said and I looked through the window, the four boys were standing against a wall holding Alex in their arms.
  "Oh my god.. I'll be right there!" I said already hanging up, taking my coat and heading downstairs.

I opened the door to the dorm and Lafayette walked in with Hercules, John and Alex.
  "I am so sorry for his behavior!" I said but Lafayette shook his head.
  "No, don't be. I'm sorry to bring them over here.."
  "It's fine.. he's always like this, nothing new." I said and he chuckled.
  "Wait.. let's go upstairs to my room." I said and helped Laurens to bring Alex upstairs. We laid him on the bed and John and Hercules left.
  "I'm really sorry, mademoiselle.." Lafayette said again but I shook my head.
  "It's fine, really." He chuckled and nodded a little.
  "Was he.. embarrassing?" I asked but Laf shook his head.
  "No, but he.. adores talking about you!" I hid my face behind my hands.
  "Oh god.. I'm so sorry.." I repeated and I heard Lafayette giggling.
  "No, he only said good things! Don't worry."
  "I really hope so.." We smiled at each other a little and I got all frustrated.

  "What were you even doing so late?" He asked and I tried to hold my smile in, he only asked to keep the conversation going.
  "I.. um.. I was making my dress, you know.. drawing all the parts, so I can sew everything together." I answered and he smiled more.
  "It takes time.. so I better start as soon as possible, the dress will have grade too.. so.. yea.." I whispered the last part, he just looked at me.
  "That sounds nice. I hope you'll make your dress! It will look beautiful, I'm sure." I smiled shyly and I think... I was blushing.
  "Well.. I think.. I think I should go to bed. Thank you for taking care of Alex.."
  "Sure, yea. Go to bed. Bonne nuit." He said and leaned over a little which made me all nervous and I squealed a little.
  "Yea.. good.. good night." Lafayette smiled and left while I exhaled in relief that he was gone. God.. I know him for just a day.. and he gets me all.. nervous.



Author note-

Bro, I've been listening to the whole Hamilton musical every day now, I know every song word by word.. I even can rap LAFAYETTE'S PART 😭

My life is basically just Hamilton atm and I don't think about changing.

Vote! <3

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