Chapter 1

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Sitting there alone. Walls surrounded her as in her mind she was watching from within four walls, a room just like any other. A white-haired watcher with her purple wings tucked behind her back and a blindfold still over her eyes. Astaria could feel the change in the atmosphere, she shifted her focus from the people of the Main World to the Hermitcraft server. Searching using her watcher abilities she eventually found her way to Xelqua. Nothing seemed to be happening, yet she knew that something would happen. She was right. Soon a levitating figure appeared, a watcher. Yet it didn't have the aura of most watchers nowadays. It seemed unnatural but with the mask adorning the figure's face, her abilities wouldn't reveal a face. Astaria watched as purple flecks formed in the previously mentioned watcher's hands, and from those flecks of purple, which were now flying into the area in front of them, formed a wither. It didn't seem to take long for Xelqua to notice, but it looked like he thought it was a regular wither with the way he was messaging on his communicator. Astaria split half of her focus onto Xisuma, the admin of the server; he seemed to have also found it suspicious. That's good, she thought to herself. She watched as Xelqua was attacked and was nearly on the verge of going into his Xelqua form when Xisuma killed the wither. Xelqua was hurt but it seemed that Xisuma had messaged Zyrex and got it sorted.

Once again watching Astaria was in her home, seeing all the players, watchers and admins in the realm of Minecraft. She could view an admin-blood named Deorii Poeoahi training for her chance to become a certified admin, a young player taking their first walk and people laughing and playing. She remembered getting to do that with her friend once. She changed her views over to the council members, Lysabel was sorting documents, Gryff was training the troops, and most seemed to be doing their regular tasks. Zyrex and Xelqua were however not in the Main World, Xelqua often wasn't but Zyrex was normally on guard duty. They both seemed to be enjoying themselves on the Hermitcraft server. Then another cold chill rippled through the air. She saw purple lightning flash across the sky and a shockwave of red. 10 people, five admins and five watchers. As soon as they spoke she knew who they were, people who should have died 100 years ago. Astaria had an idea of who the first figure was that attacked Xelqua and now she knew that these new figures that appeared where those who should have died in the final battle, those who died by fading into dust, the generals of the war were back.

They weren't getting anywhere in the search, six of them whose job it was to keep the public calm to make it easier on the other six to find out who was trying to break the peace. They weren't getting far though, Astaria was watching them take each file off the shelf, seeing piles grow high with them checking over and over again. She got up from the room to help, flying over the islands, and, as something she could only do, flying under them. She could fly in the place known as the void, a place deadly to others. Even though she was littered with purple scars from it, it was the one place she could fly without anyone seeing her. She enjoyed flying, it wasn't something she often did, she lived far away from the main island. She landed in an alleyway she knew would be clear and slipped into her player form, her hair changed from white to a shade of brown, her scars became only visible if you were looking extremely closely, and her outfit changed to one that wouldn't stand out that much. She slipped as close as she could to the headquarters, pretending to be a part of a tour that was going around the public areas. When the tour reach as close as it could to ᒷ∷╎𝙹リ╎ᓭ then she used light refraction, it caused others to not see her as long as she kept several metres away, she slipped through the barrier, but it didn't surprise her. She carefully made her way to the back where they were not looking since the thought had never entered any of their minds that they could be dead, and Astaria wouldn't have believed it either if she didn't hear them speak. She carefully flew up to the shelves where the files of the generals as well as the first figure were and ran her fingers along the spine to find the correct one. Then as Xelqua left to grab more files she slipped the correct ones onto the desk and left. She knew that she should wait in the Main World just in case.

Astaria went to the public library and found a seat in the corner and her mind went to where Xelqua was. She could view him flying over the city below as he ducked into an alleyway and changed into his player form, Grian then came out of the alleyway and walked swiftly into the portal, he moved at a speed that was fast but not too suspicious. She could watch as he went to the end as fast as he could, now using his in-server elytra to fly through the harshness of the nether. As he arrived at Hermitcraft end he looked around when a wither started to attack. He should be able to handle wither no matter what level they grew to, but she was worried if whoever summoned them showed up after Xelqua stopped the withers. Hidden in the darkness a figure was watching, and an occasional purple spark appeared and then disappeared. Now knowing that one of the 'dead' watchers was waiting to attack. She stood up and headed out of the library and headed towards the portal. She did a small spell to make it so that when she entered it wouldn't alert anyone, and she went through the same route Grian did through the nether, except she used her actual wings instead of elytra as well as the same light-reflecting spell. Part of her mind was still watching Xelqua but now it seemed that the figure, who she now saw as Zoridaii, was now facing Xelqua. It seemed that Xelqua got the upper hand but then Zoridaii sent a strong blast that sent Xelqua flying into an obsidian pillar, just as Astaria came through the end and as Zoridaii came forward with his sword about to be raised. She grabbed her blade and slashed down killing, at least hopefully, him. Zoridaii faded into light, not a single word had the time to escape his mouth. Astaria watched as Xelqua looked to his communicator, it seemed he got a few messages. "Thank you, I thought I was dead. That's thrice you've saved me now," Xelqua said.

Astaria walked over, "Are you okay?" was all that she asked not wanting to be there if the council came.

"Yeah, thanks to you," Xelqua told her, relieved.

"It's okay, get back to the council. I'll probably see you soon," was all she said, getting ready to fly off.

"Really thank you, I'm glad that's over," Xelqua replied.

And just as Astaria was about to fly away she said, "Xelqua... This is just going to be the beginning,"

WC~ 1245

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Past, it's a bit more of a recap but also gives the perspective of Astaria. I also hope you enjoy the second book in my Watchers and Admins series. 

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