Chapter 5: Lost in the jungle.

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The following day I woke up early at 6am and started preparing myself for the special event. I deeped myself into the warm water in the birth tub and had a nice warm shower after the long night, I scrubbed my back and  washed off all of last nights sweat,(remember how Abubakari made us run I wasn't tired but I sure was sweaty) now I'm back in business.

I got out of the tub and wiped my skinny self, I was still confused on whether to ware the suit first or ware my normal clothes and wait for someone to come for me.

Let me just ware my normal clothes maybe Jack will come over later and instruct me on when to ware the suite.

I piped through the window to look if anyone in that family had woken up but still everyone was asleep. Maybe I'm the one who woke up early or something. I went back to bed and decided to rest there and wait for people to wake up.

At 8am someone knocked the door I moved quickly and opened it.

"Morning" it was Jack. He was way muscular than I had thought last night, his dark brown eyes marched perfectly with his light brow complexion and his dark curly hair made him even more handsome and attractive. He was on some funny skinny jeans and a black overcoat but he still looked attractive.

"Morning to"

"How was your night?"

"Cool..I mean literary... Yours?"


"You do realize that the wedding is of three couples"

Now I know why it had to happen all over sudden.


"You and Syndi, Dan and some other girl, Lilyan and some other guy" he sat at the edge of the bed  and watched me being surprised.

I didn't talk for a while then remembered that there was a wedding that was supposed to take place. "Should I dress up?"

"No.. Not now weddings here take place in the afternoons. I can show you around before breakfast."

He walked me through the house showing me all the rooms they were too many maybe a hundred or more, I cold only remember the instrumentals room and the kitchen since they were my favourite rooms, send me to any other room and I would get lost completely.

After the little tour we went and joined the rest of the family for breakfast at 10am how late for a family breakfast. There were some plates and spoons on the large dining table almost made me think that everyone was done with breakfast. There were a few empty seats so a sat on one that Jack had chosen specially for me.

On the far end of the gigantic dining table I could see Syndi and my four friends who waved at my smiling. I could tell that Ray's smile was had a meaning probably trying to tell me of how I will suffer after the damn wedding.

I waved back and the food was placed on the table. as if they were waiting for me. I was mesmerized by the large golden fried pig that was placed at the center of the table. I mean how did then even fry it whole.

Different types of fruits that made a mountain like heap on a bowl were also placed beside the fried pig, I could guess that these guys were farmers due to all the food that was brought on the table and fruits.

A cook with projected teeth passed by filling each persons plate with soup and another one behind him with protruded eyes followed him filling our cups with expensive wine.

How am I supposed to take soup and wine together.

"A toast for the couples" one of the family members said lifting his cup of wine.

"Toast" the crowd said lifting their cups, I could almost tell that my friends were looking at me maybe laughing.

After breakfast me and by friends met outside the house but Syndi was not with them.

"Have you guys seen mom?" Non of them seemed to have seen her.


"OK no prob maybe she'll come by later. Anybody wanna go explore outside the gate?"

Non of us had been to such a place before so we decided to all go and explore outside. At the gate we found four muscular, each uglier than the other watch men.

"Where are you going?" One bald headed, watchman with a black suite and an earphone asked, I could tell I was half his size.

Is he even a human.

Before any of us could answer him, he pressed his earphone against his ears and stood listening, it seemed as if someone communicated something to him through his earphones.

"Sorry sir you can go anywhere you want" he said changing his angry look to a soft smooth forced smile.

I noticed a gun on the side of his trouser and a room food of arrows and bows behind him but didn't mind as he opened the gate for us. The was a narrow road where the cars came in through, beside the road on both sides there were plenty of trees.

"This way" Sandra Dylan's girlfriend suggested as we walked into the creepy forest. Before we had gotten too far into he forest we noticed a river (guess I was mistaken about the river in that Disney part remember)

We followed it down not realising that we were now getting to the heart of the forest and we were getting more lost.

Syndi was looking for as all around the house but couldn't find us, the wedding was supposed to commence at 3pm and it was already 2:45pm.

"Have you seen G?" She went asking every other random person she met on her way. "Hey Jack have you seen G?" She asked desperately to Jack who was basking under the hot sun at the back yard watching how the marriage preparations were taking place. "For Gods sake Jack help me find him"

"Hey guys don't you think we've gone too far?" Dylan asked looking at us. All of us were too busy following the river that we forgot that we were actually new to the surrounding and we would soon get lost.

"Were lost" Dave stumped the ground hard "sh**" hitting the empty air.


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