Chapter 11: The third and forth.

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I unwrapped the papers and tried to read or interpret  the words but they were still in understandable.

Let me just go back to the x.

I looked at the map carefully and tried to figure out where the third clue would be.

It must be in here.

In the small room that only had a spade.

What's a spade for.

I decided to use the only detective trick I had to look for the box around the walls. I knocked all the walls up and down but there was nothing.

No change in pitch, how is that?

I looked around the whole room but nothing seemed misplaced since there was nothing apart from the spade. I sat down on the  floor and looked around where could it be??

At that moment I heard something scratching the roof with a load squeak. I almost fled out of my skin, my skinny legs were now now knocking each other uncontrollably I was petrified. I took the spade and stood up holding it as if ready for a serious fight. I wasn't even stable myself how could I fight the monster outside the door.

Silence penetrated afterwards. I was still holding the spade for security purposes, 30 minutes later after the sound.

Its gone.

I opened the door and pipped outside there was nothing on the left side on the right there was a tree whose branch had leaned on the roof of the room.

It must have been the wind. Coward.

I stumped the ground hard and groaned  angrily at myself.
After a short while I thought that maybe the clue was somewhere around the tree.

It must be there.

I got out and started digging around the tree using the spade. I had hardly dug 10cm when my muscles started aching.

Ouch that hurts. You can do this to revenge to all my friends and Jack....... and the cooks....... and the four watchmen.....

I continued digging when I finally hit something. It was a box same size same type same everything, apart from this time the paper was tied using a red string. I opened and it still had the same map but the x was now in the house.

I looked at it closely and noticed that it was marked at the library.
"Sh***" . I couldn't imagine going to that hell again.

I still don't understand why did the murder only leave a spade and not a bow or a gun, maybe I'm being led right to his trap or maybe I'm over think again. Snap out of it

It was now at 2:40am, I decided to go back. The library was more close to the back door so I decided to use it. I noticed something absurd with the house, right now all the lights were on no flickering no blackouts.

I slowly pressed the doorknob to the back door and got in, I tiptoed through the hallway and quickly got into the library. Suddenly I forgot to close the door behind me.

I looked around the library and it had almost 10,000 books. The clue must be in one of the books but how do I find it.

OK i have watched enough movies you can do this. OK... It must be something to do with spirits death of psycho.

I went to the shelve where horror books were kept, but they were still too many to get the right one. I touched my chin using by right arm and walked right and left thinking.

I started reading the titles of the books thinking. I got to one of the books called 'Spiritual Killing'.

This must be it.

I took it and opened the first page it before I could read anything Syndi got in through the door running towards me crying.

A second later the lights went out this time I didn't let her disappear I hold her hand and pulled her towards me. As soon as the lights went back on an arrow was shot towards me but it only touched my neck.

Another arrow was shot and it only touched my forehead. I was paralysed with fear and couldn't even move a muscle the book fell of from my hands and I slowly turned to look at the shooter.

I couldn't imagine. I fell unconscious immediately.

Guesses please.

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