Chapter 6: Bring in the OUIJA.

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We all looked at each other and sat down not knowing where we were. I got too uncomfortable and couldn't even sit down i stood up.

OMG its 2:50 how do we get there.

At a distance I could see a tunnel that the river was going through.

Maybe we can get some help there.

"Hey guys...." Before I could say anything Jack appeared from behind some trees.

"Guys were have you been?" He asked us as if not knowing that he had just found us. "You have seven minutes left for your wedding to commence. Dress up dud" he threw a black suite to me and they started walking away before I could even dress up.

"Wait for me" I quickly dressed up running after them I even forgot to remove the previous clothes I had worn.

"How did you find us?" Dylan asked Jack.

"Don't mind that"

We ran through the muddy forest and finally got to the road where we found Jack's yellow jeep. We hopped in and it kicked off faster than a bullet, I was surprised on the distance we had walked since the car drove for about 13km.

Finally we got to the gate I bet the wedding had already begun since even the watchmen were not there to open the gate. Ray and Dylan hopped of and opened the gate for the jeep. Sandra tied a black and white striped tie on my neck and tapped me on my shoulder. "You are ready now"

Jack stopped at the front door and we went into the house where nobody was in, we ran through the hallway and knocked over the door to the backyard which was not even locked. Dylan ,Jack and Dave tripped and fell over each other.

"I thought the door was closed" Jack said lifting himself from the floor "ouch"

How comes I didn't tripp on them.... Maybe men that are about to get married don't fall.... I'm so done for, falling is just my thing.

At the front of the backyard was where the wedding was taking place. Two couples had stood there, one on the right one on the left and Syndi at the center, I could tell that she was mad at me but I couldn't tell by the looks of her face since she was in a white net.

She had a sky blue wedding dress and black high heels. Looking at her shoes I remembered that i was still on my muddy white which were now brown sport shoes. I wasn't ashamed for myself like I was ashamed for her.

I walked to the front and stood beside Syndi, now everyone was staring at me as if was the only one at the front. A pastor in a dark gown and a white collar appeared at the front of us. He had he had tinny transparent glasses and he was all wrinkled he was holding a bible on the left hand and wedding rings on the other.

Isn't this wedding absurd, first sky blue wedding dress second pastor holding the rings instead of the best man third its Syndi who is marrying me what the f**.

An old lady at the far left of the front row looked at Syndi and blinked at her, the old lady was all wrinkled and her eyes were pale she looked a little gloomy her hair was long and grey I'm pretty sure she must be more than 100years old.

I didn't see if Syndi blinked back since she was still in her white net. I could here her puffing and huffing like a Buffalo in her net out of anger.

Maybe that lady was charging anger to her.

The wedding was quite short I was even surprised myself it didn't take more than 2 hours.

The moment the wedding ended I didn't see Syndi again she disappeared in the crowd and was nowhere to be seen.

The security guards were also no where to be seen beside having seen them at the back during the wedding.

Maybe she went to stress herself out or regret marrying me.

I was now supper time and we had all sat down for supper including Syndi who hadn't looked at me at all. Earlier we had been with mom who told me that that is how girls behave but then she left. Sandra, Dylan, Dave, Ray, The other couples and the rest whom I presume were Syndi's family members had all sat around the large dining table.

The old lady I had seen earlier was seated at the far end of the table eating her sliced fried chicken. She kept on staring at me with an annoying look.

"Here in this family after a wedding we get to play a game" the old lady said looking at me.
"The game is chosen by the spirits for us"

What spirit? What game?

"Bring in the OUIJA!" She demanded as two of the ugly watchmen brought in a box, it had some awkward drawings, letters, numbers, and symbols that freaked me out, on top of it had a pointer.

"G and Syndi step forward

I walked towards the box without even questioning. For the first time in hours Syndi finally looked at me.

"You two hold the pointer and ask the spirits on which game to play..... Any game they chose we shall all play"

I gathered all my courage despite of my shivering and joined Syndi on touching the pointer and said the words." Spirits spirits what game do we play"

The whole place was silent and everyone was watching us. Ray and my friends had never seen such things in their entire lifetime they watched mouth wide opened.

"Release the pointer"

Nothing happened for a while, then the pointer started moving by itself through the letters. Everyone was mesmerized and was now staring at the box as the magic or should I say witchcraft took place.

"R...... U........ N...... It says RUN" Syndi looked at at me and then to the family members opening her eyes widely.

This is just the beginning.

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