Chapter 8: Dave in danger.

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Dave got to got to the kitchen after a wild run through a puzzle of hallways. He opened the door to the kitchen, and was surprised on the emptiness of the room no chefs nor cooks. He looked around the and noticed that all the knives and forks were missing.

He walked slowly through the kitchen looking at the metallic grey tables filled with plates and spoons. At the far end of the kitchen there was a chimney and  under it there was a burned out fire but still had red  glowing charcoal.

He hadn't even walked more than five steps through the kitchen when he felt some warmth around his neck as if someone was sneaking up on him, the feeling was followed by a loud clang behind him, he turned at lighting speed but didn't see anything apart from a dropped pan.

"Who are you" he was now starting to freak out and leaned against a large metallic fridge placing his hands in front of his face. "I quit, you win"

Suddenly the lights flickered, before the bulbs regained its stability he received a heavy blow from nowhere and a cut around his ankle. "Aaaaahhhh"
He screamed out of pain but no one seemed to have heard him since no one came through.

He leaned on one of the tables and raised his trouser to look at his wound. "F**** f***" it was a deep cut through the veins of his leg that now couldn't even step down using that foot. Behind him the fridge was wide open and there were huge chunks of bloody meat. The fridge was too large it could fit six live cows the chillness of the fridge was flowing across the room.

He removed his shoe and threw it away out of anger.

Luckily he was carrying a bandage with him, not for any specific reason just for his own safety. He removed it and tied it around his ankle and feet, despite the fact that he was as shaky as a fiddler on a roof he succeeded on it.

"It wants me in the fridge" he said to himself limping away from the fridge, the got to the door he had gotten in through and pulled the knob but it was locked "Sh**"

"How do I get the f** out of here" he gathered all his strength and tried to pull the door when suddenly the doorknob got broke.

The lights started fading and flickering at a fast rate, the floor was trembling and he was loosing balance. He fell on the floor then remembered that he had seen a chimney at the far end of the kitchen. He gathered his strength and showed a clean pair of heels toward the chimney he had even forgotten about his wound trying to escape death.

He knocked over on one of the tables and fell on the floor but still woke up even though the table made the wound even more painful. When he got to the chimney he had no time to remove the glowing charcoal, instead he decided to step on it. His rubber soled shoes started melting and he could feel the smell of fine plastic burning.

The chimney was small in size but he decided to force himself through the thin chimney. His shoe was too buried he decided to remove is he pulled himself and looked above him, still a long was to go.

Suddenly he heard a pop sound and felt a cold long needle on his left side of the chest.

"Its been one hour nothing has happened yet, let's just go to the living room and see what the others are doing" Ray was getting bored of sitting there doing nothing.

"No let's just sit and wait" I was also bored but I didn't wanna go. "Hey Syndi when does the game end?"

"I don't know"

What does she even known about this goddamn game.

It was now at 11:00pm and nothing had happened yet, I was almost dozing of when I heard Ray breathing hard. "Ray.... Ray.... What's happening..... Ray where is you inhaler?" I touched his pockets and there was nothing.

"I... In..... Th.... The..... C.. Cc... Car" He could hardly breath saying that.

"Stay here I'll get it for you"

"No" they both shouted at me not wanting me to go alone.

"Then let's all go"

Although Ray had difficulty in breathing he gathered himself up but still leaned on me. Since nothing had happened to us so far we knew that everything was normal. Ray was now becoming weaker and I was supporting him as we walked through the hallway, but since Ray and I didn't even know the way to the front door Syndi was the one who was leading us on the directions.Before we got anywhere I could recognize the lights went out.

That's awkward.

Boom! A load bang was heard probably a gun shot.


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