' spidy got the sniffles ? '

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Word count: 1839

Peter woke up in his room at the Stark tower and immediately hated life. Well he does that every day he's a gen z teen but today he had a reason. He felt like shit. He had a massive headache, throat hurt, runny nose and everything ached. With his eyes still closed he spoke to the infamous AI system.
' hey Friday what time is it '
' it is 7:47 spidy boy ' ah yes. The brilliant name the brilliant Tony Stark came up with for him.

Peter realised he needed to get up if he wanted to get to school on time. He tried to sit up and ended up in a coughing fit which only made his massive headache even worse
' fantastic ' he said out loud, although with his throat hurting, it just sounded like a dying cat.

He eventually got up and showered ( nearly passing out and walking into the wall in the process ) then waddled his way out to the kitchen for a very unwanted breakfast.
' hey kid ' he heard his dad say
' mfff '
' ... ok what's up with you... spidy got tbr sniffles ' he said mocking sympathy.
' I just don't feel that well, I'm ok tho don't worry ' he half arsed an excuse to his dad
' peter '
With his eyes closed again and head nearly falling out of his hands, he mumbled something that Tony took for a ' yeah '
' you're sick, go back to bed I'll call your school ' he said pulling out his phone
' NO ' he yelled as well as he could with a sore throat, immediately regretting it, now hearing ringing in his ears.
Tony seeing his reaction, rolled his eyes and told him to go back to bed again.
' no honestly I'm fine I don't wanna miss a day of school, and honestly I don't even feel that bad I'm probably just overreacting ha ' he says nearly falling off his chair from dizziness in the process and giving Tony a very lazy smile

Tony new he was probably too sick to go but also knew Peter didn't want to miss school, so he gave the kid a chance and put down his phone.
' ok fine you can go to school '
Peter smiled and seemed relaxed
' but '
Peter's smile dropped
' if you end up having to come home early, you have to admit I was right and I get to boast about it... obviously while taking care of you ' Tony said, dropping his child like tone at the end for one of seriousness... kind of serious at least
Peter sighed but agreed... he wouldn't go home early would he ? He's not that bad...

~ time skip ~

Peter had been at school for approximately 1 hour and 17 minutes and already, he had walked into several walls and doorways and had to stop himself from puking on Ned's shoes. What a great day.
' Peter, go home, you're sick and you nearly puked on my shoes which I do not appreciate '
' no Ned I'm fine honest I just need to get through the next ' Peter looked at his watch ' 5 and a half hours ' he said while dropping his head into his hands. They were currently in English class, double English class. See peter didn't mind English class but he can't focus on anything for more than about... 45 seconds ? So double English started to get boring about 45 minutes ago while also being sick ? Peter wanted out. He knew he could say to the school ' hey I'm dying I'm gonna skedaddle home ' ( ok maybe that's a bit of an overreaction) and they would let him. But he can't let his dad win. So he soldiered through... until lunch.

But when he was sat for lunch, not eating in fear that he would throw up, he didn't notice MJ sit down. That wasn't an issue at all but what was an issue was her lunch. Now she may have been sat on the opposite side of the table and 4 seats down but spidy boy over here has super abilities including. Super smell.

While sat, ignoring all the noise ( including Ned's incessant chewing ), his headache and all of his body aching... Peter's nose noticed MJ's lunch was a tuna sandwich. And that was it for Peter Parker.

Peter ran as fast as he could to the bathrooms, ignoring flash yelling at him, no time for bullies when you're about to throw up. He, luckily, got to the bathroom in time... and I guess you know what happened there.

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