Anxious spider

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Word count: 1172 ( not including authors note )

- basically a couple things I wanted to say before the story starts. This specific story took me a multiple days and attempts to finish and it's also not very good lol. I literally hate it 😭 However this did slightly end up being a small vent fic. Also just a quick note for anyone who isn't aware of the difference between a panic attack and an anxiety attack:

' A panic attack is a sudden episode of intense fear that triggers severe physical reactions when there is no real danger or apparent cause. '

' An anxiety attack is a sudden and intense episode of fear and anxiety. '

In my own words, panic attacks are more physical and sudden, also usually have a reason for panicking.
Anxiety attacks are slower and more silent. Sometimes spacing out n stuff and may not have a specific reason for it happening
( I'm not good at explaining sorry :/ )

Anyway, enjoy the fic and sorry for such a long authors note lol <3 

Peter had been feeling the impending doom of anxiety looming over him all day at school. He doesn't even really know why but he just woke up feeling extra anxious. He just shrugged it off because, unfortunately, sometimes that happens. All day he was bouncing his leg, bitting his nails, fidgeting with his hands, having a heavy feeling in his chest and not quite being able to focus. Finally in his last lesson of the day the anxiety attack finally loomed over him, blanketing him in a haze of worry and a blurry trip home.

As soon as he got into the tower Peter stumbled his way to his room sitting on his bed and staring at the wall, waiting for the intense feeling to finally wash over him knowing it could take hours to go away.

The teen has anxiety attacks and panic attacks fairly often but that doesn't mean he can deal with them any better. This time around it's even more frustrating for him because he doesn't even know why he's having the anxiety attack.

The boy simply lays on his bed, still somehow bouncing his leg. He was shaking his hands as though it would shake the anxiety out of him. His breathing felt slow and shallow, but to anyone else his breathing was heavy and quick, barely actually breathing at all causing the ache in his chest to get worse.

He has no idea how long he sits there with silent tears streaming down his face until he hears a knock at the door. His senses and anxiety making the noise so loud it was almost unbearable.
' Peter ? ' he registers his dad talking to him, he even looks at the door but he can't bring himself to get up or even answer.
' Pete ? Son are you ok ' Tony can hear his son's uneven breathing through the door
' I'm gonna come in ok ? ' he waits a few seconds for an answer but doesn't get one.

The older man slowly pushes open his sons door, looking around the room for him before finally seeing him sprawled out on his bed, leg furiously moving up and down, his hands violently moving about and his chest slowly rising with what sounds like painful breaths. He also notes his sons tears going down his pure face. 
' Peter are you ok ? ' Tony asks as calmly as he could, rushing over to his bed but not touching him in fear he'd make whatever was wrong with his son worse.
Peter just shook his head a couple times, not being able to lie to his dad, scrunching his eyes shut.
' Karen could you tell me what wrong with Peter ' Tony asks the AI, presuming Peter wouldn't be speaking any time soon.
' he appears to be having an anxiety attack with slight symptoms of a sensory overload. He was also feeling anxious before school this morning sir ' Tony didn't respond to the AI fully focusing on how he could help his son.

Tony had, had many anxiety and panic attacks in the past he definitely wasn't unfamiliar with them, but helping someone else get through tone ? Yeah he had no clue.
' Pete ? I'm gonna need you to sit up for me ok ? '
The older man instructed carefully not wanting to cause more damage. Peter simply shook his head again with his eyes still closed. Tony thought for a second before asking
' is it too bright in here for you ? ' knowing his senses were going a bit wild. He saw the boy nod his head.
' Karen please dim the lights to 20% brightness '
As the lights faded down, Peters face stopped scrunching, though he still had his eyes closed too scared to open them.
' ok kid the lights are down can you open your eyes for me ? '
Peter slowly opened his eyes noting that it definitely wasn't too bright anymore so at least that's one thing down.

Tony was glad he had gotten a start on helping his son, however he honestly didn't know where to go from here.
' ok now I'm going to need you to take some deep breaths with me ok ? Follow my breathing, take your time ' Tony started doing deep, exaggerated breaths waiting for peter to follow. After a while he did follow his dads rhythm, his breathing becoming more normal making the pain in his chest and his head, which he hadn't even noticed until now, slightly better.
' ok good, carry on breathing like that ok ? Ok now sit up for me here I can help you if you want ' he said putting out his hand. He didn't want to force any physical contact incase that sent him spiralling again.

Peter looked at his dads hand and decided it would be easier for him if he got help. He grabbed onto his dads hand and pulled himself up into a sitting position, crossing his legs.
' good, kid '

He waits a couple minutes for Peter to properly get his breathing back, him to stop shaking as much and his crying to slow down.
' ok son can you tell me what happened ? '
' I'm sorry ' was all peter could say
' Peter, you have nothing to apologise for I just wanna know what happened ' Tony said as softly as he could
Peter was quiet for a minute focusing on his breathing
' I don't really know in all honesty ' the teen said quietly looking down at his fidgeting hands
' did it just happen for no reason then ? ' Tony asked sympathetically
There was a pause
' yes ' Tony could only just hear him
' kid that's ok. Anxiety gets like that sometimes. Unfortunately it creeps up on us and attacks for no reason. It's ok '
Peter looked up at his dad, shorter from slouching, will blurry doe eyes.
' really ? '
' yes Peter, it sucks and it shouldn't have to happen especially to someone as amazing as you but unfortunately it does. Hey it happens to me sometimes ' Tony chuckled a bit at the end from the discomfort of sharing something so personal, but he didn't mind, he'd do anything for his son.
' you get anxiety attacks too ? ' peter new his dad struggled but he didn't know he would get anxiety attacks

Tony smiled down at his kid, noticing their talk had started to ease Peter's anxiety attack away.
' yeah I do, they used to be really bad and really frequent but not so much anymore. They still happen just not as much ' he shrugs
Peter was quiet again, seemingly thinking
' that makes me feel better ' Tony smiled at his son before he carried on ' you know, knowing I'm not alone, especially since my dad the literal superhero can relate too ' they both chuckled a bit at that, both father and son happy the attack was seemingly over.
' you're not alone Pete lots of people suffer like this, you're not weird or broken or anything '
Peter smiled up at his dad again
' thank you dad '
' no problem kid, I'm here for you whenever you need ' Tony pulled his son in for a hug before they spent a lovely evening together doing things to ease any left over thoughts of anxiety.

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