Stark vs Stark

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Word count: 1736

!!!: I know I wound t add relationships / Pepperony but this one mentions pepper and Tony being together and peter being into MJ... also I had no clue where I was going with this one so don't expect anything good I literally wrote what came to mind as I was going lmao

Peter Parker-Stark was having a bad day... no a shitty day, a really shitty day. He woke up late for school and ended up getting a detention but not after embarrassing himself by stumbling through the door of his English class all sweaty from running there.

Then Flash started up his bullshit, Peter's used to Flash but today already wasn't his day and Flash was just being annoying. ' hey Penis Parker send me a post card next time '
' what a stupid comeback ' Peter thought at the time... although Flash wasn't wrong in saying it... he did nearly fall on his ass.

He also embarrassed himself in front of MJ who he kinda maybe definitely had a massive crush on, although only Ned knows about that... he thinks. She was talking to him and Ned when Peter zoned out, admiring how pretty she looked today, how her hair looks really good when it's down, how her eyes are-
' Peter are you even listening to me or just staring at my beauty ' are the exact words MJ said with complete seriousness. However, Peter later on realised she was joking. But not before he said this.
' uh um... no I wasn't. I mean you are beautiful but um... um I wasn't staring at you but not because you're not pretty uh '
Yup. Peter said that to his crush. She quickly laughed it off luckily telling him she was joking but also telling him to listen as she is ' then smart one out of all of us '

Then, he spilt apple juice down his white t shirt which made it kinda see through showing his abs... girls were kinda staring at him but he quickly zipped up his hoodie to hide the shirt. He didn't like the attention anyway but he definitely didn't like where the attention was coming from.

Finally, he got on the subway as he told his dad he wanted to make his own way home instead of getting him or Happy to pick him up. As you can imagine, that also didn't go well. He only just made it to his train in time but he was sprinting his scrawny ass to the carriage while flailing his arms about. He then went to sit down and realised there were no seats so he had to stand. No problem right ? Wrong. For some reason the train was extra bumpy today and peter wasn't able to hold onto anything the whole ride. He ended up slamming into the other side of the carriage a couple times which made a loud noise and a definite bruises on his back. He definitely blushed the entire way home.

At last he had gotten back to Stark Tower where he can wollow in self pitty. He sulked up to his room hoping he wouldn't see his dad or any of the other avengers on his way, luckily he didn't.

He entered his room. He loved his room, it was big and painted green ( his favourite colour. ' only the best for a Stark Pete ' he remembers his dad saying ). He also had a desk and a limited edition Stark computer from his dad. He has book shelves, half filled with books and half with Lego he and ned have built, he also had a couple pictures of him and his dad which he loves. He had an ensuite bathroom attached to his room but his favourite part of the room... was his bed. He had a king sized bed with blue sheets and it was literally the comfiest thing Peter had ever felt.

He flopped down onto his large bed and closed his eyes, wanting a few minutes of peace before his dad probably realised he was home and inevitably came running. It's not that he doesn't love his dad or anything. His dad is his favourite person in the world and his best friend ( although he won't tell ned that ), he simply wanted a few minutes to breathe after his very embarrassing and shitty day.

About 5 minutes of him sitting in silence, letting the stress leave his hectic mind, he hears his dad. Now here's one thing you should know about Peter Parker-Stark and Tony Stark's relationship, both of them have the soul of a 7 year old. Both probably having ADHD, they compliment each other very well but cause hell for the people around them. Running around, giggling, shouting, playing games... all harmless things but with the rest of the avengers and Pepper Potts being calm, collected people, Peter and Tony cause headache after headache but it's hard not to love them both so everyone leaves them to it.

Peter has a small smile on his face as he can hear his dad prancing up the corridor, waiting for the inevitable of Tony running bingo his room.
' PeterPeterPeterPeterPeterPeter ' the elder Stark chants as he runs towards his sons room. See, after tony handed over Stark Industries to Pepper 11 years ago, Tony only has to attend ' businesses stuff ' as he calls it, every few week or even months. He spends most of his time creating things in the lab or, of course, being Iron Man. So, after he adopted peter 3 years ago, when Peter is home, he is Tony's main source of entertainment. Tony calls him his ' mini me '.

Of course, peter wants to spend time with his dad but after today, he's just very tired, so when Tony runs into Peters room, grinning ear to ear exited to see his boy, he didn't expect peter to be star fishing on his bed staring at the ceiling.
' Pete ? You ok bud ? '
Peter slowly sits up and crosses his legs sending his dad a lazy smile.
' yeah just a long day is all '
' hmm ' Tony says walking over to sit on the bed with Peter ' wanna talk about it ? '
The younger boy huffs but starts talking
' well, it started off being late to school, then when I went into my class I nearly fell over and that gave Flash his first que to be a dick all day ' he said rolling his eyes ' then I spilt apple juice down my shirt and it made it see through... and now that I think about, quite sticky ' he said with a bit of disgust ' but because my shirt went see through loads of girls were looking at me and I didn't particularly like that one ' he said blushing
' yeah that doesn't sound too good '
' oh it doesn't end there ' he laughs ' then I was nearly late for the subway but when I finally got on, there was no where to sit or anything to hold onto so I kept getting rammed into the sides of the carriage ' he huffs crossing his arms and pouting like a small child which makes Tony smile
' dam kid luck really wasn't on your side today ' he chuckled
' worse thing is I embarrassed myself in front of my cru- ' Peter started mumbling then soon stopped when he realised he hadn't told his dad about his crush in MJ.
' what was that ? ' Tony smirked, knowing exactly what he was gonna say ' embarrassed yourself in front of whooooo ' he teased
' no one, I embarrassed myself in front of no one ' peter said, getting up and looking through his books, or pretending to look at them
' was it... your crushhhhhh ' Tony teased. Peter slickly tensed and turned slowly to look at his dad, narrowing his eyes in mock seriousness
' ... maybe '
Peter crossed his arms and glared at his dad
' sorry kid, anyway who is it ' he smiled innocently
Peter looked down and mumbled something Tony didn't understand 
' kid I have no idea who mhmg is '
' it's MJ '
Tony was quiet so Peter looked up to see his reaction, he almost wished he didn't.

Tony Stark, the well respected genius, business man and billionaire, was sat with a massive. Shit eating grin on his face, eyes wide and hands on his cheeks. Pretty sure he did the last one just to annoy me.
' nope nope nope I don't even wanna hear it ' Peter said starting to walk out hisnroom pretending he never had the conversation in the first place

' oh come on kid you know I'm only teasing ' he laughs chasing behind me as I make my way into the kitchen. The younger Stark can't help but have a small smile on my face as he ignores Tony trailing behind him, still giggling to himself.
' Peterrrrrr don't be embarrassed it's cuteeeeeee '
' dad don't call it cute it's, it's.... It's stupid ' Peter said opening the fridge to get some orange juice, hoping he doesn't spill this one down his shirt
' I should definitely change this shirt ' he thinks to himself.
' oh wait until your mom hears about this ' Tony chuckles. Peters eyes go wide as I spins around to look at his father of 3 years.
' don't you dare tell mom, she'll get all mushy and proud over her ' little boy ' getting a crush ' peter rolls his eyes, never been one for ' mush ' as he puts it. Just like his dad.
' yes she will go all ' mushy ' that's exactly why I want to tell her ? ' Tony said like it's obvious he wanted to embarrass Peter more.
' you're literally the worst sometimes ' peter sighs ' it's just a crush no need for mom and her mush or you with your.... you-ness '

Tony fakes hurt by holding his chest and stumbling back a little
' and what, pray tell, do you mean by ' you're you-ness ' he asks putting a horrible voice mocking Peter's.
' you know. ' Peter simply says before walking back to his room, Tony still stood in the kitchen.

As Peter is walking away he hears his dad mumble
' I just got bested by a 16 year old ? '
He just continues walking with a shit eating grin on his face almost better than his dads. He knows he won today and was already beginning to have a much better afternoon.

Pepper had been standing watching her husband and son interact for about 5 minutes having no idea how they didn't notice. After her son walked away she simply went back to what she was doing, leaving Peter to claim his victory and her husband to question his sarcasm skills standing in the middle of the kitchen wondering how she got so dam lucky to have them both.

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