twenty three

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We made it a habit now that when Matthew was away on a trip I would go stay at Leon's. We had been doing this for about two months now and he didn't care. He was happy for me to be there and I was happy to be with Bowie.

We always had a good time from going out to lunch and dinner with his teammates or having a relaxing night at home watching movies.

I was starting to feel that no matter what we did as long as I was with Leon, I would have a good time. All of the guys chirping him about being attached to my hip now and us practically being married now.

He would always duck his head to hide the blush on his cheeks and I would rub his arm to show him that I thought it was cute.

All of the WAGs were constantly telling us how cute we were and what a good couple we would make. I would just wave them off and not take them seriously.

We had just gotten back to his house after dinner and I was racing to the TV as a Flames game was coming on in two minutes and I had to watch this game. They were playing the LA Kings again and they lost to them last week, they were both in the race for first place in the Pacific Conference. This game could change Calgary being in the first place.

I ran to the TV, grabbed the remote, and jumped on my feet waiting for the TV to load.

"Babe, calm down," Leon chuckled as he watched me.

"This is a big game, this could end them," I said nervously.

He chuckled, "End them is a bit dramatic, they are going to the playoffs no matter what."

"I know," I sigh dramatically. "But, this could ruin them."

He shook his head, "I will make your popcorn while you calm down," He gives me a look.

I smiled at him appreciatively. I always ate popcorn while watching games. I always needed it to throw angrily at the refs or the occasional eating.

I relax a little bit when I hear the familiar intro of Sportsnet. I always loved watching the intro videos of Sportsnet and after watching so many Canadian games it became therapy for me.

I relaxed, even more, when Leo sat down next to me and handed me my popcorn. "Here you go, Fürstin." princess

I smiled happily and laid my head down on Leon's shoulder while munching on popcorn.

The game was aggressive but every Flames game was aggressive. All the boys played good like they always did and Johnny got two goals. I got giggly every time Matty got near Drew Doughty, I always liked to watch highlights of Matt crushing Doughty.

After the second period with a lot of eye rolls and middle fingers at the TV. Leon was in the kitchen getting some ice cream, I was on my phone checking for any updates they didn't say on the broadcast.

My attention got caught on Leon's phone buzzing on the coffee table. "Leo, you got a text," I yelled out to him.

"Read it to me," He said back to me from the kitchen.

I unlocked his phone from the passcode and looked at his messages.

message from 'con': "practice canceled tomorrow, free day tom"

"It's from Connor he says there's no practice tomorrow. You have a free day."

He hums, "Okay, just text him back ok."

I do that but, I look up from their conversation yesterday and see my name. This is an invasion of privacy Riley, I tell myself but nonetheless skim it.

"So might as well have some fun with it. It's fun fucking with her brothers, they aren't going to be happy when they find out I am her 'friend' and I am excited for that reaction." My eyes tear up as I read the texts from Leon.

"She showed me the texts of her brother's reaction to her story and it was funny, there's nothing wrong with getting a little entertainment." Entertainment. That's what I am. That's what I mean to Leon. I was right, he just used me to get back at my brothers. A tear slid down my cheek as I think about how much happiness I had, that was all a lie.

"We didn't have much—," Leon stops talking as he sees my red face covered in tears.

He comes over to me and tries to bring me into a hug. I bolt up from my seat and away from him as quickly as possible.

His eyebrows furrow, "Riley, what's wrong?" He asks sounding concerned.

"Entertainment," I croak while pointing to his phone that was still open to the texts. "I was right, you're still using me."

His eyes widen and he scrambles to get up. "No, no, no, I am not using you," He pleads and tries to move closer to me.

"Get the fuck away from me," I spit at him as I rush to my purse and to his front door.

"Riley, no, no, you can't leave me, no," His voice cracks as he tries to run after me.

I go out his front door and immediately go to my car. I take my keys out of my purse and unlock the door.

"Let me explain please," He says from behind me.

I stop and turn around to face him, "This is the second time this has happened Leon," I snarl. "Do not talk to me again."

I open my car door and get in, starting the car.

"Riley, I can explain please let me explain," He pleads threw the window. His face broke my heart, even more, his wide red eyes filled with tears, no tears actually falling. His demeanor looked desperate and heartbroken.

It broke my heart, I spent the past four months talking to Leon every day, face-timing, spending days at his house because he didn't want me to feel alone. Falling and falling more every day because he promised he wanted to get to know me and spent every minute with me. And after this, I would probably still fall for him because I can't help myself, even if he did destroy me.

It broke my heart to see him so sad and distressed and it hurt, even more, knowing he was this way because he broke his promise and ruined me in the process.

So now I pull over on the side of the road because I can't control my cries and the pain in my heart can't feel better.

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