thirty nine

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"Brady! Get off of me!" I yell as Brady literally laid on me.

"My big sister," He squeezes me with a 'hug' as he calls it but, it's really just him trying to break my ribs.

I grip the back of his hair and pull him off of me. "Ow ow ow ow," He yells at me. "What the fuck, Riley" He whines.

"You were crushing me," I scowl at him.

He pouts, "I was showing my sibling love."

"I don't want your love if it is like that," I get up from the ground of our house and send Brady one last glare before walking to the porch where everybody was.

My mom first noticed my ruffled and angry look. "Did Brady give you one of his hugs?" She asks me sympathetically. I nod before plopping myself next to Matthew in a chair.

"I had to pull him off from his hair," I grumble. Taryn cackles across from me.

"Sweetheart, he just misses you and doesn't know how to say it. You live with Matthew and he's all alone up there," My mom says.

"I miss her and I don't tackle her 24/7," Taryn pipes up. I point my finger at her, signaling that she's right.

My mom just sighs and drops the topic.

"Riley, when are you going home?" My dad asks.

"Trying to get rid of me already pops," I joke.

"Always," He jokes back.

"She's going home soon because she can't go without her boyfriend," Matthew mocks and fakes kisses and hugs. "Heard them on facetime last night. It was disgusting."

My heart drops, did he hear something? Taryn seems to have the same thoughts as me because she spits out her water.

I awkwardly laugh, "Did you hear anything?" I carefully ask.

Matthew's mind immediately jumps places, "Did you have phone sex?" He cringes.

My eyes widen, "No, no, god no."

I vaguely heard my dad grumble, "Better not of."

"We weren't," I reassured my dad.

"So you're leaving to go back to your boyfriend? You can't stay for your family?" Brady speculated.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Everybody is leaving. You and Matt are leaving, Taryn's going back to school."

"What about your parents? Hm?"

I look at my parents, "Do you care if I leave?"

"Well, of course, we love to have you home, but you and Leo—"

Quickly I interrupted my mom, "See," I practically yelled trying to stop my mom.

Brady jerked back at the volume of my voice. He put up his hands in innocence, "Ok I was just joking no need to yell," He mumbles.

I look back at my mom and see her profusely trying to avoid eye contact with me. I could see from the side, Taryn trying to keep in her laughter.

Beside me, Matthew stood up abruptly. "Mom knows who you're dating!" He exclaimed.

I slowly nodded my head. "He's been in my house and I don't even know who he is!"

"I know who he is," My dad said.

I slowly turn to my dad with my eyebrows raised. I did not know that he knew. And it seems like my dad knows exactly what I was thinking because he smirked and wiggled his eyebrows.

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