Chapter 1 - Ebonykit - DriftClan

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Outside the nursery, Ebonykit awoke to the sound of birds chirping loudly. She was completely awake and full of joy despite the fact that it was morning. Today was her and her brother Stormkit's first day as apprentices!!
Ebonykit gently padded out of the nursery to bask in the warmth of newleaf, taking care not to wake up her mother or the others in the nursery.

Ebonykit heard gentle pawsteps behind her and turned around as she watched the sun rise higher into the sky. "Oh, Stormkit! At last, you've awoken!" Ebonykit squealed with delight, her eyes gleaming. "Can you believe Leafstar is appointing us as apprentices at last?" "I'm so excited!!" She squealed with delight and bounced around joyously.

"I'm looking forward to that as well!" Stormkit purred, giggling at how quickly his sister became overly excited.

While the two kits were giggling and playing around, Snowshine, the clan's only expecting queen, came outside of the nursery.

"What are you laughing about, you two?" Snowshine purred, pleased by the antics of the two kittens. "Doesn't today happen to be your apprentice ceremony?"

"It is!" Ebonykit chirped cheerfully, "I can't wait to explore outside camp!!"

"Perhaps you could begin acting as apprentices should, and groom yourselves. It's getting close to the start of your ceremonies." Snowshine purred, padding softly back into the nursery.

"Let all cats old enough to hunt in the snow, come around the Snow Rock for a clan gathering!!" said Leafstar as the two kittens sat down to finish grooming their fur.

"It's time!!" exclaimed Stormkit, following closely behind Ebonykit as they stood up and walked towards the gathered cats.

Leafstar scanned the area, as if to ensure that all of the cats were present.

"Today, we've gathered to see two kits embark on their journeys as warriors. "Step forward, Stormkit and Ebonykit." Leafstar meowed, her eyes bright.

Ebonykit padded forward with confidence, while Stormkit padded forward with apprehension and seemed to be staring at nothing.

"You've reached the age of six moons, Ebonykit, and it's time for you to become an apprentice. You will be known as Ebonypaw from now on until you earn your warrior name. Aspenglow will be your mentor. I'm confident that Aspenglow will pass on everything she knows to you." Leafstar meowed solemnly, as Ebonypaw and Aspenglow touched noses.

"And now, Stormkit." Leafstar meowed, beginning the next ceremony. "You've reached the age of six moons, Stormkit, and it's time for you to become an apprentice. You will be known as Stormpaw from now on until you earn your warrior name. Swiftdream will be your mentor. I'm confident that Swiftdream will pass on everything he knows to you."

As Stormpaw and Swiftdream touched noses, the assembled clan began to chant the names of the two new apprentices to the sky. "Ebonypaw, Stormpaw!" "Ebonypaw, Stormpaw!"

The two new apprentices smirked at each other as Leafstar ended the meeting before padding up to their mentors.

"Aspenglow?" "What are we doing first?" Ebonypaw asked. I want to become the best hunter and fighter in all of the clans!"

"Slow down, first and foremost, we're going to explore the territory with Stormpaw and Swiftdream," Aspenglow purred.

"Oh okay!" Ebonypaw exclaimed, jumping up and down. "I'm really excited to be out of camp for the first time!"

"Boo!" Stormpaw yelled, startling Ebonypaw. "Are you all set to go, sis?"

"STORMPAW!!! I told you not to startle me like that!" hissed Ebonypaw. "But to answer your question, yes I am ready to go."

End of Chapter 1

Editors note:

It was quite fun to come up with this Chapter, and we're excited to show you Chapter 2, we hope you enjoy!

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