Chapter 8 - Honeypaw - SunClan

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Honeypaw jumped from her nest and padded out of the apprentice den, worried for her clan.

The camp was built in a circular hole in the ground that twolegs cut out many moons ago, and there was a sheer cliff wall on one side of camp where all the dens were located.

Dens were assigned to the elders and queens at the bottom, apprentices and warriors in the middle, and the leader and medicine cats at the top.

Though having dens near the bottom of camp allowed the queens and elders quick access, it also came with its own set of concerns, as it was prone to flooding.

Looking down on the camp below her, she noticed Harefire, the only queen, and Sandrunner, the only elder, coming up the dirt track that led to the top of camp, where they'd be safe.

Honeypaw noticed that the two cats were each holding a kit, and that Bramblekit, the most adventurous and clumsy of Harefire's litter, was trailing behind them. While she was watching them, Bramblekit tripped over a stick and fell into the water below, and she heard Harefire yowl in despair. Honeypaw dashed down from the apprentice cave to the freezing floodwater where she had seen Bramblekit fall.

She spotted the small brown tabby she cat floundering in the water and without hesitation, dove in to assist. Honeypaw paddled quickly and picked up the thrashing Bramblekit by the scruff just as the small female cat was about to drown. Honeypaw paddled back to where she could stand up in the water and padded out.

Soaked, Honeypaw placed Bramblekit down on dry ground, and started licking the kit's fur the wrong way to warm it up. Once Bramblekit had warmed up and begun to dry, Honeypaw picked the small she cat back up, and began trekking up the dirt path towards the top of camp.

Harefire nearly knocked her over as she arrived at where the rest of the clan had congregated. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! You saved my kit!" Harefire purred, her worried eyes examining Bramblekit closely.

Darkberry padded over to Bramblekit and studied him. "Bramblekit will be alright; she's just had a shock." Darkberry murmured soothingly as he turned to Honeypaw, "You should be alright as well, Honeypaw"

Honeypaw was overjoyed; she'd just saved one of SunClan's kittens! "At least I saved one of my clan members today, even if I can't hunt just yet!" She purred softly to herself, relishing the sun's sudden presence after the storm had passed, not long after she had rescued Bramblekit.

Honeypaw's ginger fur began to dry up, and she looked around to see the deputy organising hunting patrols. She considered going to see if she could join one, but she was exhausted and decided against it. Rather, she curled up in a ball and chose to get some rest.

Honeypaw awoke shortly after sunup and peered around to see cats returning to camp, and she sprung up, purring happily.

The flood had subsided!

End of Chapter 8

Editors note:

AYY NO MORE FLOOD! Still, poor Bramblekit, she almost drowned! This chapter was super fun to write, even though it took me a day to figure out the plot XD

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2022 ⏰

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