Chapter 6 - Pebblepaw - SwampClan

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She continued the search, and saw a huge lake with a small white kit meowing loudly. It was gasping for air, and obviously drowning. She immediately saw it, and went into a shock. She couldn't swim, but that was the only way to save what seemed like Echokit. She raced toward the water, and leaped in. She reached out to grab Echokit, but the water got deeper, and soon Pebblepaw was sinking below the surface. Just when the kit was about to drown, Pebblepaw grabbed onto its fur. Using some effort, she dragged Echokit towards the shore. Once she reached land, Pebblepaw laid the kit gently on the grass to regain her breath.

The kit coughed and tried to sit up, but fell back against the soft grass. She left it for a few minutes, until she could no longer hear the gasps of breaths the kit was making. Finally, she sat up again and looked around. She felt weak and dizzy, but was alive. But the kit wasn't.

Pebblepaw gasped. "Wait, what?" She stared at Echokit that was frozen still. "Why aren't you breathing anymore?" She brushed her paw against the weak body that was now freezing up. She panicked. The kit must have drowned. She should have seen it coming! She cried silently and sat there for a while, waiting for some sort of sign that the kit may still be alive. But nothing came. Then Pebblepaw started feeling a little dizzy again.

Her tears continued dripping down her face, but then she looked at Echokit, some tears dropping onto the kit as well. "I wanted to save you, we were so close..."

Suddenly, the kit's breathing was back. "WHAT?" She sat and stared at the kit that was now sitting up. It was dead a few minutes ago, how's it back alive? Echokit looked up at the apprentice. "Pebblepaw, is that you?" It questioned. "Where am I?"

Pebblepaw blinked and sat closer to the kit. "Are you okay? Where are you hurt?"

Echokit looked confused. "I can't remember, I'm scared." She looked around anxiously.

"I need to help you get home." Pebblepaw said urgently.

End of chapter 6

Editors note:
I was unsure of how to express Pebblepaw's powers, so this was the first thing that came to mind. I'd like to point out that it's rapid healing, but occasionally can 'revive' cats.


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