Chapter 2 - Ebonypaw - DriftClan

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Ebonypaw, Stormpaw, Aspenglow, and Swiftdream returned to camp as the sun set after exploring the terrain.

"Wow, that was a lot of fun!" "However, I'm exhausted right now..." Ebonypaw yawned loudly as she meowed.

"Fortunately for you, Tigerpaw and I have already created nests for you and Stormpaw in the apprentice den." One of the older apprentices, Shadepaw meowed. "If you stick with me, I'll show you which is which."

"All right, then!" Ebonypaw said quietly as she followed Shadepaw, Stormpaw close behind.

The three of them soon reached the apprentice den, and Shadepaw stopped suddenly, causing Ebonypaw to crash into her.

"Sorry Shadepaw!!" Ebonypaw meowed apologetically, "I didn't mean to bang into you!"

"It's okay." Shadepaw meowed, turning around to face the two apprentices.

"Okay. Stormpaw's nest is just over there, while Ebonypaw's is in the furthest corner over there." Shadepaw meowed, her tail pointing to each nest.

Ebonypaw padded over to her nest, thanked Shadepaw, and sank in her new nest, relieved to be able to sleep.

Soon after falling asleep, she felt a paw nudging her side, and meowed furiously, "STORMPAWWW STOP NUDGING MEEE!!"

However, she was no longer in the apprentice den when she opened her eyes, and Stormpaw wasn't the one nudging her.

Instead, she was being nudged by a cat with glossy brown speckled fur and amber eyes.

"Who are you and why are we here?" snarled Ebonypaw, her claws unsheathed, instantly cautious.

"Well.." "My name is Eveningpaw, and that's my brother, Silverpaw," the speckled female cat said, pointing with her tail towards a cat Ebonypaw hadn't noticed until then. "Today was our first day as apprentices. So anyway, now we've introduced ourselves, who are you?"

"My name is Ebonypaw." She meowed cautiously, still wary of these strangers. "Today, my brother Stormpaw and I were also made apprentices."

"But, you still haven't answered one of my questions," she snarled. "What are we doing here?"

"To be honest, I'm not sure. We woke up in here the just like you did."

Suddenly, the bushes surrounding the three young cats began rustling, and three battle-scarred toms padded out.

"Hmm. I see the three of them have finally arrived," meowed one of the toms, a dark brown tabby with emerald eyes.

"Eveningpaw, Silverpaw, and Ebonypaw, would you wish to study the skills of true warriors?" meowed the tabby tom.

"Hmmm... Yes!" meowed Ebonypaw after a little minute of consideration. "Obviously, I do!! I want to be the greatest warrior in my clan's history!!"

"Even if it involves murdering helpless cats?" A black tabby with ice blue eyes, one of the other toms, meowed.

"Yes! Yes, of course! I'd go to any length to learn how to be a true warrior!" Ebonypaw meowed, hearing Eveningpaw and Silverpaw agreeing with her.

"Good. Meet up here again tomorrow night, and remember," the brown tabby tom meowed. "DO NOT TELL ANYONE."

End of Chapter 2

Editors note:

This chapter was quite hard to come up with, taking a few days to find an idea. However, we believe it went well, and are happy with the result ^^

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