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Deaton pushed everything off the table and we put Derek on it. After we found Derek in the iglesia, we put him in the jeep and rushed straight home for Beacon Hills.

We dropped Kira and Malia off at their homes first, and then we came straight to the Animal Clinic for Deatons help since he might know more about this. 

“Wow.” Deaton is shocked as he stares at 16 year old Derek on the examination table. It was still very much seeming like a twisted dream. 

"Wow?" "Wow," as in, "I've seen this before and I know exactly what to do"-kind of "wow?" Stiles questioned. “'Cause that's the kind we were hoping for.” 

“I think you might be overestimating my abilities.” 

I take Derek's hand. “He's cold–“ I noted. “really cold.” I kept on holding his hand as Deaton checked his eyes with one of those small flashlights. This was way too weird. Wait till mom and dad get a load of this. 

“Do you think this is permanent?” I asked, trying to hide the small tremble in my voice. If this is permanent what the hell are we supposed to do? Send him back to school? 

“I'm not sure a medical diagnosis is even adequate." Deaton said. "This is well beyond my experience.” 

“So, what do we do with him?” Stiles asked. 

“Until he wakes up? Probably not much. It might be best to leave him with me. He'll be safe here.”

“You mean, from Kate?” I said as I squeezed Derek's hand. Deaton gives me a sympathetic look but nods. “If she's alive and she is what you say she is, she won't be able to walk past that gate.”

Well he was right. But I didn't want to leave him. I leave him alone for 5 minutes and look what happens. He ends up kidnapped and shoved in an Aztec temple buried in Mexico. 

“Why would she want to do this to him?” 

“Knowing Kate, it's probably for a reason that won't be any good for anyone but her.” 

“And bad for everyone else.” 

That's it. I hate Kath Argent even more now. More than I probably thought possible. 

“You guys should probably go home. He doesn't look to be in any danger." Deaton tells us. "So, maybe the rest of you should get some sleep?” 

I shake my head. No. Absolutely not. 

“It is a school night,” Deaton reminds us. “And you all need to start taking care of your own lives again.” So what if my grades were taking a royal flush down the drain?

Did it look like I could do much studying when the entire time I was worrying about Stiles and terrified of the nogitsune? 

“Someone should stay with you.” Scott said. 

“I'll stay.” Lydia tells me. “My grades are fine, despite missing a few classes.” Well of course they are, Lydia is smarter than probably all of us combined. I sighed as I looked down at him. “I don’t want to leave him.” Even sleeping he looked restless. 

“Isa he’ll be fine.” Lydia assured me. I still stayed glued to my spot. "Isabelle," Stiles scolds lightly as he tries to pull me away from Derek's side.

"But I don't want to-" I yelped when someone pinched me, to be specific with their claws. I let Derek go to reach the spot on my shoulder where Scott pinched me with his claws. 

He smiles sheepishly as I shoot him a glare. "Sorry." 

"Do you trust me or not?" Lydia questioned with a serious look on her face and her hands on her hips. "Of course I do." 

"We'll be fine." Lydia repeats. Stiles takes my hand and pulls. "Come on. We can visit him tomorrow." 

I sighed defeated as I followed Stiles and Scott out. "You know you might want to take advantage." I remarked to Stiles as we got in the jeep. "What do you mean?" 

"Derek's a teenager now. I'm sure he doesn't have the same strength as he did as an adult." 

Stiles sees where I am leading with this. Because if we are going to break the news to Derek that we're dating, I'd rather he not kill Stiles. And seeing as he's basically the same age now, he won't be able to as easily. 

Stiles breaks into a wide happy smile and leaned back to kiss me. "I will make that my top priority tomorrow morning." I laughed, of course he will. 

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

“It might surprise you to know that some of history's greatest leaders have had to endure some pretty great failures.” Mr. Yukimura addressed the class as he spoke about our latest topic.

I doodle on my notebook, I know I should be paying attention but I really can’t. I told mom and dad about what happened with Derek. They were livid that I didn’t tell him, and dad may have subtly blamed stiles for me not telling them.

They knew everything about Derek being a teenager to Kate being alive. They took none of it well. Can’t blame them though. 

“One you'll recognize from last night's reading failed in business, had a nervous breakdown, was defeated for both houses of Congress, and lost as Vice-President before he was finally elected as one of the greatest presidents that this country has ever seen. Who was he?” 

Everyone, including me, raised our hands to answer Mr. Yukimura's question. I might not have been paying attention to the lesson fully, but I still registered what he had said.

Somewhat, besides I did the reading so I was fine really. But he, as all teachers, points to the one student that doesn’t have their hands up. 

“Malia?” The boys and I looked back at Malia who had a pen in her mouth with some highlighters as she highlighted everything in the textbook furiously. She looks up, noticing us and everyone else looking at her. My phone rang on my desk and I immediately lunged for it. 

“Isabelle,” Mr. Yukimura scolds. “Phones off.” I grunt in annoyance but obliged, turning it off. Dammit, who could it have been? 

Then Stiles' phone buzzed, making me whirl to him. That can’t be a coincidence. First me and then Stiles. It had to be Lydia. Oh god don’t let it be Lydia? “Phones off–“ Mr. Yukimura repeated in a loud and irritated tone for the whole class. “Everyone!”

Everyone does just that. And I banged my head dramatically on the table as they did so. Now how the hell am I going to know who was calling us? Ugh the suspense is killing me! 

Mr. Yukimura looked back at Malia who searched through her book frantically for the answer to the question he had asked her. “Malia?” He sighed when he realized she wasn’t going to answer.

“Does anyone else know?” Almost everyone raised their hands, making Malia shrink back into her seat. Lydia and I should probably set up a study group to help her, which would also do me some good. 

“I said, phones off!” Mr. Yukimura exclaims when another phone rings. Except it was actually coming from his desk. “Dad,” Kira called him and pointed. “That was yours.”

“Oh.” He seemed flustered as he took his phone and read aloud whatever text he received. “Isabelle,” He didn’t say it like he was calling me directly, but still I sat up as soon as he said my name. “call Lydia.” I looked at the boys next to me. Oh god no.

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