Perishable - 1

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“It's not just that she could still be alive–” I told Stilinski as we all walked in his office.

“It's that she would've had to fake her death.” Lydia clarified.

Stilinski crossed his arms unconvinced. “Your grandmother, Lorraine Martin, faked her death?”

Stiles nods. “Definitely.”

“Maybe.” Lydia corrected him.

“Oh, I'm guessing you got a story to back this up?” Stilinski asked. We shrugged. “She might be helping the Benefactor.”

“Or is the Benefactor…” Lydia said. Stilinski nods. “That sounds like a story worth hearing.”

It was a long story. Lydia went back up to the lake house and she found some pretty interesting things. Number one, the lake house's dock was built entirely up of mountain ash.

Number 2, the urn that supposedly held Lorraine Martin’s ashes was actually filled with mountain ash. And number 3, Lorraine left her another code inside the urn.

It was a lot.

“Anybody seen Parrish?” Stilinski asked the deputies outside his office. “Haigh?”

Haigh shook his head and hunched over his computer. “Haven't seen him.”

Stilinski sighed and came back in. I frowned when I smelt something entering the station. The weird thing was that it didn’t smell like an animal or a hunter. It smelled human, but not.

“Does anyone smell bacon?”

As if on cue, three gunshots were fired from inside the station, making all of us flinch and duck as if it were to hit us with the probability it would.

Stilinski ordered us to drop on the ground immediately. I crawled over to the window and peeked through the blinds to see a guy absolutely covered in charcoal slamming Haigh on the wall.

What the hell. Was that Parrish?

Stilinski took his gun and rushed out the door, and just now both men were on the floor. Haigh was still holding onto his gun as he tried to fend for himself against Parrish.

His finger was still on the trigger. I saw it coming from a mile away.


I raised my hand quickly, the purple flares from my hands shot out and swirled around the bullet headed for Stilinski's shoulder, stopping it in the nick of time.

Stilinski looked at me completely shocked, I pulled the bullet to me, closing my hand around it. That was something.

Stiles rushed to his dad to make sure he was all right while I rushed to the door. Haigh was now unconscious under Parrish, who was breathing heavily angry as he stared at him.

I feel like I should ask but I’m afraid of the answer.

Instead of going to Parrish, I walked over to Haighs desk and turned his laptop around. I was unfortunately right. He was on a secure line, with the Benefactor.

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

“He covered you in gasoline?” Derek asked surprised as he checked Parrish out, looking at his hands.

Stiles, Lydia and I brought him to the loft to ask for Dereks' help trying to figure out what he was. Stilinski was back at the station dealing with Haigh.

You see I never really liked him, now I know why. He was willing to kill his own partner for only 5 million dollars.

“It's the hair and nails, isn't it? The parts of the body that are essentially dead.” Lydia states a scientific fact and Derek nodded in agreement. “Well, they should be gone.”

“I was set on fire!” Parrish reminded us all, he was very stressed. “All of me should be gone.”

“Not if you're like them.” Stiles said and Parrish frowned, not understanding as he looked at all of us standing around him. “Like them?”

I shook my head. “He’s not like us.” If he was like us our family would have survived the fire like he just did. But they didn’t, he did. Which means he is something else.

“Then what is he?” Stiles questioned.
Derek shook his head. “Sorry, but I have no idea.”

“But you knew about Jackson and Kira.” Scott pointed out.

I nodded slowly, true. But that was because we had actually heard about their kind before. From our studies with Talia, but never during our studies did we ever talk about a creature that can survive fire.

“This is a little out of our experience.”

Derek and I reminded them. I didn’t know what Kira was right away since I never bothered to check her aura, but I knew of her kind. I have no idea what Parrish is.

I’m sure I’d remember learning of some kind of supernatural creature that can survive fire.

“There might be something in the bestiary–" Derek said. "Did you try Argent?”

Scott shakes his head. “I don't know where he is.”

“Okay, hold on–” Parrish cut into the conversation. “What's a bestiary? Actually, that's not even my first question. Just... Just tell me one thing. Are all of you like Lydia? Are you all psychic?”

I stifled a laugh. He actually still believed that. “Psychic?”

“Not exactly.” I said with a shake of my head. And Lydia isn’t exactly psychic. She's a Banshee.

“Okay," Parrish said, still confused. “Then what are you?”

Scott looked at us for confirmation and we nodded. Parrish was an ally. I trusted him and he’s clearly some supernatural creature.

He’s in as much danger as we are. Scott glows his eyes red at him and I proceeded to do the same alongside Derek.

"We're werewolves."

"And not like Wolverine." Stiles clarified. "Kind of. Sort of. You know what? Definitely not."

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