Monstrous - 3

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We spent the next hour or two preparing ourselves. Athena and I distributed the protection potion to the others. Since we had a lot of werewolves and humans here we had to split it. And they were supposed to take it the second the hunters arrived since we didn't know how long they would be.

Breaden and I demonstrated a few techniques that would help them defend themselves. It's what we were in the middle of doing when the alarm went off. Argent installed motion detectors about an hour ago. And if they went off…

“There here!” Argent yelled, rifle raised immediately.

“Get back!” Breaden yelled as smoke grenades were launched in the building. Breaden brings me down as men in armed gear and guns came and raided the place.

Guns blazing and shooting. The sound of the guns going off was loud and startling. And with the smoke I couldn't really see. But I could see enough. Argent and Breaden where with raised rifles shooting at the hunters. Saving all of our assesses really.

Okay I've got a ridiculously crazy idea. I still lay on the ground where Breaden made me drop down as I began to focus. Turning is ridiculously hard.

I tapped into that wild spark in me. The one that I'm going to need right now. The change happens so quickly that I can barely process it. Now I have claws for hands and hindes for legs. With white fur sticking out and my glowing purple eyes.

I saw an assassin stop in its tracks, jaw down in shock as it stared at me. Well better to do it now while he's distracted.

I growled, showing off my white pearly teeth as I ran and jumped on the assassin. He screamed as I sank my claws into his shoulders and his chest. I snarled from the rage I felt. And from something else. I felt something sickening in my stomach. A hunger. That's when I realized it was coming from the blood.

The blood. Oh god. I didn't feel this last time with the Berserker because it was dead. But this guy, oh good God I have a bloodlust.

No, no, no!

I clawed his face one last time to keep him down before jumping off of him and running away to find some other assassin. I kept my bloodlust under control as much as I could. And it didn't bother me much later. But it was definitely there.

I yelped when I was shot at, the round hitting my chest. The assassin holds the rifle in his hands as he keeps it trained on me. Oh that's it.


I groan as my body changes, materializing my clothes from magic. Athena taught me a spell. Definitely kills time when it comes to changing. I glare at the assassin who was frozen in shock before raising his rifle to shoot me again. I raised my hand, the pisconics circling my hand again and shooting out towards the gun and taking it away from him and into my hands.

I grin as I hold the weapon. "Run." He was stupid enough not to run, shot him once in the leg before throwing him back with a wave of my hand. I didn't like the way the weapon felt in my hands so I discarded it.

I slumped against a wall as I felt the pain from the bullet 10 times more. And with the lights off and the amount of flashing everywhere it was hard to see where the bullet was.

"What the hell happened?!" asked Breaden as she rushed over, putting her rifle to the side for a second as she crouched in front of me.

"Well in case you didn't notice we are in the midst of an ambush." I reminded her, and in response to me she poked two of her fingers inside of my wound, causing me to howl from the pain.

She was surprisingly fast because then she pulled out the surprisingly small bullet and held it between her fingers. Grinning at me. "You could have warned me, you know." I muttered as I cleaned up the blood as much as I could. With the bullet out it was already healing.

"It's better when they aren't expecting it." Breaden answered as she pulled me to my feet. "Still hurt." I muttered as we continued to fight.

“How many are there?” Derek yelled as he and Breaden were back to back. “Too many!” She was definitely right. I could smell all the different hunters around us. It was hard to see from the smoke, but we could manage. I used my pisconics to block the wave of bullets heading towards us. Which helped a lot.

I suddenly heard the shrill screaming of Lori. I rushed to find her, she was on the floor screaming because of the sight in front of her.

And I almost yelled because Scott was on top of one of the assassins. Red eyes, fangs out and claws tearing at the man.

"Scott!" I yelled at him but he wasn't listening. In fact I swear he was smiling. Oh good God. The bloodlust. He has a bloodlust. "Scott!"

This isn't working. I took a breath, my fangs extended and my eyes turned their purple color as I roared Scotts name out. He was suddenly snapped out of it, and he looked down at the guy and the blood on his hands as he realized what he'd done. I exhaled.

It then got silent when their phones began to buzz. Why were they buzzing? I saw an assassin nearby and used my pisconics to throw him down on the ground. I rushed to him and managed to dig his phone out of his pockets.

It was a message from the Benefactor. A message for all of them.


I broke into a smile. Stiles and Malia did it. They turned the Deadpool off.

We all met up in the main room again, taking a look at the damage we had done and the damage they had done. Everyone was okay, bruised and bloody but alive. “Is it over?” Kira asked as we looked around.

“Really over?”

I couldn't help but smile. "It's over."

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