Time of death - 2

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We watched as Argent typed in "SCOTT MCCALL DEAD. PAYMENT REQUESTED" Stiles, my dad, Argent and I were in the basement of the hospital. Getting in contact with the Benefactor through the secure line.

It was all part of the plan, we needed Argents plan because well we needed a hunter or else none of this would be believable. We needed all the help we could get.

"That's your assassin-speak?" Stiles asked unimpressed at the typed words. "I said "He's dead." What more do you want?" Argent sassed.

Stiles shrugged. "It's a little dry... You could have said something like, "Target has been neutralized." "The crow flies at midnight," that's always cool."

Dad shakes his head, taking the crook of his nose. "Stiles, this isn't some James Bond movie, this is real life." Stiles was about to argue back on what he had said, till the computer beeped and drew our attention. VISUAL CONFIRMATION REQUIRED.

Stiles leaped for the computer at the same time as Argent, so he backed away but Argent let him take over and Stiles was of course excited.

"Type this." He ordered him. "Visual confirmation isn't possible. Police coming to claim body in forty minutes." Tell him "Number two on the list is dead."

Yes. Number 2. Because currently I was number 1. Being worth 50M. I argued with Scott on that, it should have been me that Kira did that weird electric heart stop thingy. Words like "I'm the alpha!" and "Well I'm a werewitch which is apparently rarer!" We're exchanged. But that was a fight I lost. Not to speak ill of the technically dead but damn him.

"I killed him." Argent told Stiles to type. "And, if the wire transfer isn't completed in forty minutes." Argent shoved Stiles to the side to continue typing himself. "I'M COMING FOR YOU"

Stiles took my hand and we rushed back upstairs to one of the hospital rooms. "This is still stupid!" I exclaimed in a hushed whisper as we continued up. "I mean not only is this stupid, we're risking everything and this hospital!"

When we get Scott back, this would be the second time someone announced dead from the hospital comes back to life. Not to mention all the shit this hospital goes through during a supernatural attack.

"I know," Stiles muttered when we finally entered the hospital room provided to us by Melissa.
Kira and Liam had finished setting up the laptops. We were going to gain access to the hospital cameras, well once Argent and Dad do what they need to do. "Are you guys done?" I asked into the phone as we waited by the laptops with black screens.

"One second," My dad calls and I hear a bit of shuffling next. "Alright try it now." Argent said.

The laptops in front of us blinked with the security footage of the hospital. All of the cameras showed the halls of the place. Most of the main places like hallways that lead from the exits and entrances.

"It worked!" I told my dad and Argent. I ended the call and Stiles and I bumped fists at the notion that we have a camera view. Melissa, and Mrs. Yukimura were sitting outside in the car, keeping a watchful eye of those who entered and left.

Athena was outside in the waiting room near the morgue, just in case. Things were normal. Way to normal. Mom would have been here but ever since we found out Malia was actually our family, she promised Peter she would help him figure all this stuff out.

Like finding Malia's biological mother. Talia erased everyone's memories when it came to Malia.

"Is that supposed to look like that?" Liam asked when one of the cameras on Kira's computer went on the fritz. I shake my head, tapping on the computer to see if I could connect it again but I couldn't. "Where is that?"

"The roof." Stiles answered. "Someone's gonna have to go check it out."

"I'll go." Kira answered and made her way to the exit. "Whoa, whoa..." I said, lifting my hand to stop her from leaving, using my telekinesis to keep her in place.

"This might not just be a malfunction." We reminded her. It could be the benefactor or worse.

"That's why I'm bringing this." Kira says as she holds up her sword. "I'm coming with you!" Liam exclaimed and quickly followed Kira out before either Stiles and I could get a word out.

"And you're both coming right back." Stiles yelled after them. "Immediately!" I added, Stiles sighed a bit exasperated as we leaned over the computer. "Kids."

I shook my head after a few minutes, they were taking too long. And the image was gone completely this time. Something is wrong. Stiles and I sat up when the lights began to flicker. All the lights and then click. The power went down. "No, no, no!"

Stiles clicked the computers, trying to tap it on while I tampered with the lights. "Alright let's go." Stiles muttered, taking my hand again and we rushed outside. I could hear the screams of a lot of people on the second floor along with one other horrible but faintly familiar scent. Oh god no. Argent. We need to find Argent now.

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