Chapter 3: Darkness in the Human World

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After I landed in front of high school (yes, I was in high school), I saw the tornado fading into thin air. As I entered the school, I saw a dark figure hanging around the corner of the school building. He was a Neko! At the thought, my ears and tail popped out. I didn't care because the students in the school were used to me as a Neko. The dark figure looked in my direction, glaring at me with scarlet red eyes. I saw him grit his teeth, and could hear a faint growl. The growl sounded familiar. But where? Who cared? I walked into the building. I felt someone watching/following me. I turned around swiftly, hands in my pockets. But no one was there! I slapped myself. Dummy! No one is watching you! But I had a feeling deep in my heart...
______________Time Warp :P_____________
After my final class, I walked out. The same dark figure hung around the corner of the hallway. I pretended to not notice him, and I also pretended to pout. Suddenly, some guy taller than me shoved me by the shoulder. He turned to me. I noticed that he was a Neko too! He noticed that I was one because he touched my ear. He looked familiar from somewhere...but where? He had dark gray hair with black Ash! "Follow me," he muttered. I didn't trust him...but I followed him anyway. He took me to the gym, where no one was there. He looked at me, then leaned in and licked my ear. I screamed and stepped back. "Just who are you?!" I shouted, holding the ear the strange person licked. The stranger purred. "Who do you think I am?" he chuckled. He started to flow white. I covered my eyes, then after a minute I opened them again. Before me was...a cat! He looked like Ash. Wait...ASH?! "ASH?!?!" I screamed. The cat nodded. So it was him. Ash stood on his hind legs. He looked like a very tiny midget, only as a cat. "Who did you think I was?" he meowed. I picked him up, licking his ears. "I thought you were a crazy stranger," I replied, licking his nose affectionately. Ash laughed like crazy. "Nah," he said. After a few seconds, I frowned. "Wait... How did you get to the human world?" I asked. Ash turned into a human. "Pfft! I've been here since you were born!" I screamed, hugging him. He chuckled. "I'm your guardian!" he announced. We laughed together. Ash stared into my eyes. It was creepy, I tell you. Creepy! "The reason I came here was to tell you that---" He was interrupted because the door opened. The same Neko who was hanging out at the front of the school was here! I gasped, feeling weak on my legs and feet. He glared at me with his scarlet red eyes. He laughed evilly. "---that Dark has been traveling to the human world," Ash continued. "That's him!" I screamed a very high-pitched scream. Darkness was here---in my own home universe! Darkness unsheathed his...claws? Fingernails? What? Never mind. I'll call it claws, ' know... Ugh. Blood dripped from Darkness's teeth, proving how bloodthirsty he could be. I unsheathed my claws. Me vs. humans.

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