Chapter 2: Misty vs. Darkness | Battle 1

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I looked at Darkness with fear. The massive black cat showed his teeth, dripping with blood. His voice was hoarse and evil. "You thought you could kill me?" he spat. "Well, you did, but only once! Now you have to kill me nine more times." With that, he lashed his unsheathed claw at my face, slashing my muzzle. Blood sprayed onto the grassy floor. Ash gasped behind me. He backed away. I quickly glared at him, swiping Darkness's face. "Get help!" I growled. Ash, panicking, ran away, the scent of his fear overwhelming me. With that, a claw swiped at my ear, ripping it off. I gave a short gasp, then clawing and raking my enemy's body. "Die!" I spat. "You don't belong in this universe. So move out or die!" I tackled the massive black cat to the ground on his back. I raked my claws down his exposed belly, blood oozing out like magma on a volcano. Darkness flicked me off using his huge paws, getting up quickly. I landed hard on my back. I thought my spine broke, but I got up anyway. I gritted my teeth, anger flaring in my eyes. Suddenly, a white blur was seen to my right. Snowfall! The white cat knocked down Darkness, biting his throat. Hesitating, I jumped to my paws, joining Snowfall. Oh? Did I forget to tell you who Snowfall is? Snowfall is a white female cat with blue eyes. Anyway, I joined Snowfall, swiping my claws over Darkness's muzzle and nose. We didn't stop until we thought Darkness was unconscious. And he was. The massive black cat was lying there, dead, throat ripped out by Snowfall. We--Snowfall and I--looked at each other. Snowfall was covered in blood; no white spots were seen. I wasn't covered with blood at all; just a slash across my muzzle. It stung as I touched it with my muzzle. I sighed. Darkness had lost a life. Ash slipped in front of me. "You did very well for such a human," he meowed. I faked, pretending I forgot I was a human. A temporary Neko... I hugged Ash. "I'm gonna go home," I told him, pointing my thumb over my right shoulder to nothing. Ash nodded and hugged me back. We held paws for a while. A harmless tornado surrounded me, taking me back to my universe: the Milky Way. As the tornado was about to take me home, I gently let go of Ash's hand. I smiled at him. It felt like my last moment until I died. But, no, I was alive. The tornado lifted me up. It went a little fast and a little slow. After a few minutes, I saw the whole universe of cats. The Cat Universe! For some reason, I could breathe. In space! The tornado took me home. It was peaceful. Very peaceful...

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