Chapter 6: A Deadly Battle | Misty vs. Darkness Battle 3

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"Get ready to battle in three...two...ONE."

Darkness counted down. As soon as he spat the number one, he charged at me. Out of no where, a sharp, long sword appeared in my hands. "Ash, was this YOUR DOING?!?!" I hissed without looking at him. Ash bounded toward me, holding a sword too. Isn't that weird? Bounding? As a human? Never mind. Ash nodded. Together, we charged at Darkness. I ran much faster than Ash. He fell way behind. I jumped up, shoving my sword right through Darkness's stomach. Darkness smiled, us in the air. He laughed evilly. Great. Now I can fly? Blood from his teeth dripped onto my nose. YUCK!! It smelled like rotten eggs. No, even worse. I wanted to barf on Darkness, but I didn't have the time. Darkness transformed into a cat, my sword still sticking out through his body. Suddenly, a light gray blurred line slashed right through, cutting off Darkness's ear clean off. Blood quickly spilled from that certain spot. "I'm not dead now; I'll return soon!" he spat, disappearing from sight. The tip of my sword was covered in blood. I didn't care. Without me knowing, my ears and tail popped out. When that happened, my cat tactics took the best of me. I started licking off the blood, before Ash stopped me. "Aye," he said, pulling my tail. I screeched in pain, and I could've bit his arm off if he didn't pet my ears. I started to calm down, more from the short battle with Darkness. I cursed under my breath.

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