Chapter 4: Misty vs. Darkness | Battle 2

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Ash looked at me and Darkness nervously. I approached Darkness slowly. He did the same with me. Neko vs. Neko. Human vs. Cat. Flames of anger could be seen in the pupil of my eyes. "How in the known whole place did you get here?" I spat. You could hear my fingers crack as I bent my fingers back. At the corner of my eye, Ash literally dissolved into dust and flew over to my area. I felt the dust suck into my hands. I sweat dropped. What? A voice spoke in my head. "Have faith, Misty. Do not be afraid, I will guide you." I figured it was Ash. Pranking him, I fell limp. But I didn't fall to the ground, because Ash was holding me up. I heard a grunt as I was pushed up. Ash panted as he lifted up my arms. "Hey, you should be controlling yourself, too! I'm just giving you extra strength," Ash meowed in my head. I growled softly. "Fine," I whispered. I charged at Darkness, claws high in the air. My opponent just stood there, like he had a plan. I slashed his cheek as hard as I could. Blood came spilling out of Darkness's cheek where I slashed it. I stared at my claws. "It's our power combined," Ash explained in my head. "It's strong, so we have equal power with Dark." I nodded. Darkness's blood spilled onto the floor of the gym. Suddenly, a vision came to me. Students at my high school would be insulting me as a murderer if they see blood in the gym... Some would call me a hero... I shook my head. Darkness only stared at me. He scoffed. "Have all the time you want or need," he said, placing his hand on his cheek. "I will be watching you at any moment of the or night." He walked out of the gym, closing the door behind him. I could see him transform into a cat. Gosh... That guy! How could he find me everywhere?

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