Chapter 7: True Identity

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As I cursed under my breath, I felt a paw pat me on my leg. Surprised, I looked down. Ash as a cat was hugging my leg, licking it. "Stop it; that tickles!" I laughed, picking him up. He batted at my blonde hair. I laughed again. Ash could be so funny. Suddenly, in my hands, I felt a jolt of terror from Ash. "What is it?" I asked, panicked, to the gray cat. He looked at me with horror in his wide open eyes. "I know Dark's true identity," he whispered quietly. What? What was Darkness's true identity? As if reading my mind, Ash shook his head. "I shall not tell you. You must try to pry it right off of him," he explained.


Ash and I (as humans) sat in the gym in front of the dried, untouched blood. It felt as if a demon lived ere, and I never ever dared myself to touch it, not even with a stick. I turned, looking at Ash. "Hey," I said, randomly licking his cheek. "I keep wondering why and how Darkness keeps following us and keeps track of where we are." Ash leaned in and licked my nose. "Eh, who knows? Aye, what do we do with all that dried blood?" he added. I shrugged. "Hey, I have a feeling of where Darkness stays..."


Finally, panting, Ash and I arrived at the cliff. A tree stood near the edge, creating a shadow. A black cat-shaped figure sat there, staring out into the faraway land beyond. Without thinking, i signaled Ash to stay back and I stepped two steps forward. "Darkness." I spat out the name is if it were wicked and cursed. Darkness whipped his head around. Surprisingly, his eyes were soft and pure black. But, as soon as his eyes lay down on me, it turned evil yellow. "How did you find my home?" he spat. I scoffed. "Dumbhead. I heard rumors about a 'dark figure' living on the edge of a cliff," I explained, smirking. "Turns out, it wasn't a rumor at all." Darkness sprung at me, knocking me to the ground. Ash pounced, landing on my opponent and knocking him off me. I nodded to Ash in thanks. I pounced on Darkness, biting his left shoulder. He yowled in pain. "Tell me your true identity!" I snarled, slashing at his ears. Darkness whipped his head around to look at me, ignoring the pain. "Never!" he growled, clawing my muzzle. Ducking, I slashed off his nose. He landed on the ground with a thud. He didn't get up, so I poked him with my paw. "Now tell me your identity," I tried. Defeated, Darkness got up, limping. "Fine," he panted. "I'll tell you my true identity." Then his body glowed white. Then, in front of me was... Ash? I looked behind me. Ash was there. I looked back. Ash was there, too. "A-Ash?" I asked quietly. Ash (who was behind me) walked up to me, placing his hand over my shoulder. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you this. This is my second me. The dark version," he explained. "The only way to tell the difference is that the dark me has wide black eyes with red in the middle." I looked at Dark Ash. So that was his dark him?

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