This is not a permanent soloution

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"Ladies, due to the damage Wentworth has faced today, we will be escorting you all to a prison within the states." Vera announces to the women who are standing patiently awaiting answers as the fire brigade pack up their trucks. A few women begin to mutter amongst themselves.

"Ladies, please listen to me carefully." Will bellows, standing next to Vera. "Half of you will join Litchfield, and the other half will join a separate prison. We will be reunited and back in our own prison in a few months, this is not a permanent solution."

The women are separated by cell blocks, each guided to the coach they're assigned to take, officers scattered across the yard while the prison they knew stood blackened by the smoke damage. The atmosphere silences, only the faint coughs of the women suffering smoke inhalation can be heard, and the paramedics equipment bleeping in the background.


After a long journey, the coach pulls up outside Litchfield, followed by a brawler where officers hopped out. Mr Jackson, Vera Bennett, Linda Miles, and the prison psych Miss Westfall.

Boomer: "This does not look much like a prison aye."
Bea: "Nuh. Doesn't really."

Mr Jackson boards the coach, "Ladies, one by one I need you to come to the end of the coach, starting with Doyle."

With Franky being at the front, she was the first to be called on, she stepped up and walked towards Mr Jackson. He took her arms carefully, and attached handcuffs.

Franky: "What's with the cuffs Mr J?" She questioned with confusion.
Mr Jackson: "It's a safety precaution." He motions for the other women, one by one. Until everyone stood outside the coach, hands in cuffs, facing Litchfield.

A somewhat bald man with a brittle looking tash walked out the doors of the prison, he began walking towards the women, in a blue uniform. He stared the women up and down, then began to speak. "Hello ladies, I'm Mr Caputo, I'm the warden of this prison. Would you like to follow me?" Everyone, including the officers walk in a single file line behind Mr Caputo. He leads them into some double wooden doors, into a large empty chapel.

Mr Caputo: "Could you all take a seat on the right hand side of the seats please." He motions to the right, as he walks down the middle aisle to the stage.

The Wentworth officers form a line behind the seating area where the women sit, each officer with their hands clasped in front of them. Standing upright and tall. The women chatter amongst themselves, Mr Jackson then begins to walk amongst them removing handcuffs before rejoining the officers at the back.

After 10 minutes of confusion, chatter, and waiting, the doors open, in flood a swarm of women in beige, and orange, talking loudly amongst themselves and throwing glares towards the women of Wentworth. They seat themselves on the left hand side.

Mr Caputo: "Ok ladies, quieten down." He calmly announces from the stage, while two more of the guards from Litchfield join him, all dressed in blue. "As you know, the prison is larger in size thanks to a renovation. This means that for a few months we will be having Wentworth stay with us. This does also mean it won't feel much bigger in size, but after a fire broke out in their prison, I'm sure the least we can do is respect their situation and help the best we can."

Chatter erupts from the left hand side. Under the circumstances none of the women seem to be able to remain quiet.

Mr Caputo: "Quieten down again." The room falls silent. "Officers at the back, could you come down please?" He gestures to Mr Jackson and the others. They make their way to the front, keys clunking, and shoes squeaking. "Would you like to introduce yourselves?"

Mr Jackson: "Sure. Well uhm, I'm Mr Jackson, come from Wentworth, some of the women call me Mr J-" He's cut off by Boomer in the crowd.
Boomer: "That's right we do Mr J." She laughs, causing a line of laughter in the teal.
Mr Jackson: "Settle down Jenkins." He smiles, stepping back.
Vera: "Hello, I'm Governor Benne-"

Bea stands up, "You're governor now? When did this happen?"

Vera: "Sit down smith." She smiles, "The chairman of the board appointed me governor earlier today."

The women of Wentworth let out a loud cheer.

Franky: "What happened to the freak?!"
Vera: "Ah, Ferguson. She's been taken to a psychiatric hospital. Believed to have started the fire."
Franky: "KNEW IT!"

One of the women from Litchfield pipe up, "Wait, so your governor started the fire?"

Vera: "Ex governor." She then steps back.
Miss Miles: "I'm Linda, officer Miles." She steps back.
Miss Westfall: "I'm Miss Westfall, the prison psych. I'm especially here to help the women through the trauma they might feel, and the change in routine." She steps back.

The meeting goes on for some time.

Mr Caputo: "And finally, Wentworth, you will be sleeping separately from our women, you'll have a few dorms to yourself, split into your current cell blocks. You'll have your own shared dorm bathrooms which will be off limits for our women. But apart from that, the other facilities and jobs will be shared amongst everyone. And  that about concludes this meeting."

The women are directed out line by line, wentworth first, then Litchfield.

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