Classic signs of nervousness

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Lunch is over, which means Bea faces the decision of kissing a woman, or never being kissed again. She paces up and down the corridor outside the library, knowing Nicky awaits her. The only thing in her mind is to get it out the way, just to say she's done it, she can gloat about it to Franky then, but is it worth it when she's straight? Eventually she finds her hand pulling the door open.

Nicky: "Well hey, didn't actually expect you to show up."
Bea: "Let's just get this out the way, so I can say I've tried it, and prove it's not my thing. Then you can leave me alone, and I can just live my life, ok."
Nicky: "You're nervous."
Bea: "What?" Her voice trembles ever so slightly.
Nicky: "Your shaking a bit, clammy hands, classic sign of nervousness."
Bea: "I'm just warm, and need to get back to some things."
Nicky: "Yeah, is that so?" She motions closer to Bea.
Bea: "I-" she gulps. Nicky puts her hands gently around Beas waist, carefully pulling her close.
Nicky: "This is a soft side of me. Relax, worst case scenario, you don't want to kiss me ever again." Before Bea could make any sound or movement, Nicky places her lips against Beas, she seems to enjoy it more as the seconds pass, soon her hands make their way to Nicky's waist too, their breaths sync together, 3 seconds, turns to 30 seconds, before they pull apart.

Bea stared at Nicky, red in the face, clammy to the touch. Not a word leaves either of their mouths, the doors open out of the blue, in waltz Maxine, she spots Bea and a smile of awe makes its way across her face. Bea let's go of Nickys arm, and runs out the door, leaving Maxine and Nicky looking at one another, confused.


Back in the dorms Bea sits in bed, looking flushed in the face, Franky walks in.

Franky: "You ok red?"
Bea: "Yeah, fine, where you been?"
Franky: "With gidget and some bloke, harley or something."
Bea: "Westfalls here still? Haven't seen her round much."
Franky: "Yeah, you look like you could use a visit to her."
Bea: "I feel it."
Franky: "Wanna talk?"
Bea: "Not yet, need to speak to Westfall first. See you round." She gets up and makes her way in search of Miss Westfall.

Bea finally finds Miss Westfall, she knocks on the door, "Come in." A man's voice can be heard. She opens the door.

Bea: "Uh, Miss Westfall, can I talk to you?"
Miss Westfall: "Sure, come in."
Mr Healy: "Want me to step out?"
Bea: "Uh, yes, if that's ok." Mr Healy steps out.
Miss Westfall: "What's going on?"
Bea: "I'm confused, I feel, like all my life I've known one thing, stuck with it, and now, it's been a lie, or am I scared.."
Miss Westfall: "Could you explain?"
Bea: "I kissed a woman, and, I think I enjoyed it, fuck, I'm not even sure."
Miss Westfall: "You're allowed to find yourself trying a new path in life, so you think you could be bisexual?"
Bea: "I've always been into men, attracted to men, dating men. Can I just switch up like that? Why do I feel like this?"
Miss Westfall: "It sounds like you're figuring out who you are, you kissed a woman, and liked it, it's nothing to be ashamed of Smith, embrace it."
Bea: "It might take some time, I'm so unsure of everything right now."
Miss Westfall: "Sexuality can be fluid, it takes time, but you don't need to label yourself as anything you're not sure of."
Bea: "Thanks, that helped a bit."


A few weeks pass by, Bea finds herself having spent more time with Nicky, but still just as confused as ever, does she find her attractive? Yes. Does she want to date her? No. Frankys found herself in a little crew with Piper, Alex, Boo, Red, and Nicky.

Franky learns some new information and runs to the library where Bea, Doreen, Boomer and Liz are sitting, Maxine's over by the books rummaging through.

Franky: "Red! You didn't tell us you and Nicky have a thing going on?!"
Boomer: "She what??"
Bea: "Look, it's not a big deal."
Franky: "Uh huh it's a huge deal!"

Just as Bea is about to answer, everyone stumbles through the doors, Nicky mouths sorry to Bea.

Alex: "A little birdie told us that there's a colour crush going on."
Piper: "Wow Nicky, she is not your usual type."
Nicky: "Oh my god guys."
Bea: "So everyone knows..." she shakes her head in disbelief. "I don't even know my feelings."
Resnikoff: "And what does that mean?"
Bea: "I enjoy it, but I don't know about dating women, I can't figure it out in a day."
Frankys: "It's been a few weeks, have you done anything else?"
Bea: "No, not yet, I mean-"
Nicky: "Not yet?"
Bea: "FUCK!" She steps away from the table throwing her hands into the wall. "Can everyone stop hassling me for five fucking minutes?"
Boo: "If it's any consolation, I'm jealous it's not me you're confused by." she laughs trying to make light of the situation.
Nicky: "Hey Bea, come with me, I want to speak to you, and just you." Bea nods and follows along.

Nicky takes her to a quiet place out in the yard behind a shed where no one's around to stare, the sun glaring down on them,
Bea: "That got too much, even for me." She sighs tilting her head back.
Nicky: "You don't have to justify anything, we kissed a few times, so what?"
Bea: "I guess I just feel vulnerable, being the top dog, I should be confident, yet I'm nervous and confused."
Nicky: "It happens to the best of us." She reaches out to Beas hand, "no pressure." But Bea lets her fingers interlock.

They sit and chat for some time, the yard gets quieter and quieter, the sun starts to set, an orange glow sets out along the yard.

Nicky: "We should head in soon."
Bea: "I know. It's just, relaxing here, for a change, the prison life gets too much."
Nicky: "I bet it's been a nice break for you here."
Bea: "Like a summer camp but with shit food and jobs to do."
Nicky: "Sounds like every summer camp ever." They sit laughing, gradually but unknowingly moving closer. "You look beautiful under the glow of the sunset."
Bea: "Shut up." She playfully pushes Nicky to the side. Which lead to a small play fight, and more.

Their lips lock, Nicky gently pushes Bea down to the ground, leaning over her, their lips still touching, Nickys hand grazes Beas thigh gently, she moans a soft whisper in Nicky's ear, without realising it, they made out further, until they had nothing but underwear on. The breeze braces over their skin, their warm hands caress one another. Nicky plants kisses across Beas neck, down to her collar bone and across her chest. Beas breaths become heavy...

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