Look like a dog's regurgitation

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The H2 crew are huddled together in a dorm.

Bea: "This might drag."
Liz: "I can't wait to be back in our prison, hopefully they'll give us a pool." She laughs.
Franky: "Did you see the hotties on the other side?"
Bea: "You've always got your horn on Franky." She chuckles.
Franky: "Don't tell me your jealous red." She smiles close to Beas face, and twiddles her hair on her finger.
Bea: "Ha, as if." She playfully pushed Franky.
Doreen: "This place seems so peaceful compared to home."
Maxine: "Did you just call prison home?"
Doreen: "I guess it's what I'm used too, we're like a family, and that's where we are most of the time, so being here feels, weird."
Liz: "Oh Doors, we will get used to it I'm sure."

There's a knock, and two women enter, unrecognised women. "Hi, we were sent by Caputo, to make sure you're all ok."

Bea: "We're fine thanks." She stands up, arms folded, leaning against a wall.

Piper: "I'm Piper by the way."
Alex: "I'm Alex." She brings her black glasses down from her forehead.
Franky: "Ohhh hot stuff." She bites her bottom lip winking at Alex.
Piper: "She's my girlfriend."
Franky: "Aw, share?" She laughs.
Liz: "Nice to meet you girls."
Piper: "So what's your name, and everyone else's?"

Liz takes the lead and introduces them. Bea doesn't show much interest, she keeps herself to herself, folding her uniform, and rearranging her pencils for her sketchbook.

Franky: "Any hot lesbians?" She asks.
Alex: "Well, us, but we're taken." She laughs.
Franky: "Mmh unfortunate for me." She sways, arms folded, eyebrows raised. Piper stands with Alex looking threatened by Franky's remark.
Alex: "Well, there's boo, she's like, a dyke." Franky turns her nose up. "There's also Nicky."
Franky: "Show me the eye candy." She wraps her arm round Alex and starts walking away from the dorm, followed by Piper.


At lunch the women seem separated by groups, H2 sit together, Litchfield stay in their groups, no one seems to interact. There's not much chatter going on, just the sounds of forks scraping on trays and light murmurs. Bea grabs a tray and makes her way to the line, slamming it down at the serving station, it echoes across the room.

Bea: "Got any real food? Something that doesn't look like a dog's regurgitation?" She speaks with some force in her tone, as if she ran this prison too.

A short red haired Russian lady walks out of the kitchen. "This is what they make us eat. It's pre packaged. This is not my cooking." She raises her voice, but with emotion and a thick Russian accent.

Bea: "Fuck." She whispers. "Who are you?"
Resnikoff: "Resnikoff. My girls call me Red." And with that she walks back into the kitchen."
Bea: "I can't eat this." She walks away from the tray of slop.

"Excuse me, you can't leave without eating." A guard in blue stands tall, holding his arm out so she can't leave the cafeteria.

Bea: "What the fuck? Move." She tries to barge past, all the other women look at her.
Mr Jackson: "Smith, sit down."
She scoffs and takes a seat. She places her head in her hands, in annoyance. The volume of the room increases, with women staring her direction.
Franky: "And what are you lot staring at?" She glares at the other women, unafraid.


Everyone's still unsettled by the string of events, so in order to calm down the H2 crew take themselves outside in the sunshine. They're completely amazed by how much space they have at Litchfield, and the fact they have grass, a running pitch, and not just stuck in 4 walls but actually have fencing to see beyond the cage they're trapped in.

Franky is caught off guard when Nicky makes an appearance.
Nicky: "Hey lezzo."
Franky: "Mmh let's have a bit of ya."
Bea: "You two seem to have hit it off."
Nicky: "Two chicks, you jealous?"
Franky: "She's straight."
Nicky: "Ah, boring." She looks around for a moment. "Hey so..." she leans into Frankys ear and whispers something.
Franky: "Oh right, sure." She paces backwards from the others, "back in a sec yeah." She then turns round to follow Nicky.
Liz: "At least Frankys made a friend." She smirks.
Maxine: "Hmm a special friend maybe."
Bea: "I dunno... thought her type was someone who wasn't so confident."
Doreen: "If she falls in love, d'you reckon she'll set her up to come with us back to wentworth?"
Bea: "I mean, that would be some drastic plan."
Maxine: "She has the smarts, but not the help of CindyLou or Mercado while in here."
Liz: "That's true."


Bea takes a walk alone through the corridors, attempting to find Mr Jackson; she's desperate for information on Ferguson. Two women in beige approach her.

Bea: "What do you want?" She folds her arms, stopping in her tracks.
Angie: "Got any drugs?"
Bea: "For fuck sakes. Do I look like I have drugs?"
Leanne: "Urgh, I need my fix! Do you know who has drugs? Anyone from your prison?"
Angie: "Oh oh Leanne I wonder if they're guards can help!" She and Leanne smile as if they've thought up a foolproof plan.
Bea: "First of all, they're screws, not guards, secondly, they're not here to help your fix. We're anti drug. Now please fuck off!" She attempts to continue her search for Mr Jackson when Leanne starts getting mouthy. Bea grabs her and pins her against the wall, gritting her teeth together;
Bea: "I don't know who the fuck you think you're talking to-" She's cut off by some more of the Litchfield women. She releases her grip from Leanne and barges through the forming crowd, not acknowledging anyone.

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