A Swing and a Miss(Patri)

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One as usual Patri got out of bed brushed his teeth and got dressed, ready to leave for the day Patri thought to himself There's still some time before Licht and Tetia get married maybe today will be the day, I'm gonna tell Licht how I feel about him!! Patri opened his door to be greeeted by his cousin.

"Ratri!" Patri fell backwards startled by Ratri. Patri got up rubbing his back.

"What are you doing here Ratri?"

"I came to wake you up, your gonna miss lunch!!"

"WHAT!! I slept in that much!?"

"Yeah Licht sent me to get you."

"*hu* Licht did?!"

"Yeah, and you really need to get over that stupid crush of yours, Licht's wedding is in 3 months."

"Yeah I know, thats why I'm gonna tell him today!"

Patri and Ratri joined the rest of the Elf's for lunch Patri sat as close as he could next to Licht, and he tried to be a little flirtatious by rubbing his ankle on Licht's leg.

Licht spit out his bit of food when Patri's ankle first touched Licht's leg, Patri quickly moved his legs back together. After a few minutes Patri tried his seductive ankle rubbing again which once again back fired causing Licht to choke on his drink of water. 

Patri thought by this point to try another strategy, that doesn't require any physical touch.

Later that day Patri was watching Licht in the far talking with Raia. It's no far Licht talks with Raia more then he talks with me! As Patri mumbled to himself about Licht he seemed have lost track of time and the sun had started to set and Licht sat next to him.

"Beautiful isn't it?"


"The sun set."

"Oh, umm, yeah it's pretty" But Patri's eyes haven't even begun to look off Licht let alone the sun set. As Patri and Licht there watching the sun set Licht moved his arm over Patri's shoulder, a shiver went down his spine. Patri looked at Licht's hand tell he moved it off his shoulder.

"Well I better get going Tetia's waiting for me."

As Licht walked off Patri mumbled to himself Tetai's waiting for me in a high pitch tone luckly Licht was too far away to hear him insulting his soon to be bride. Patri got home way after sun set, and thought about what to try next on Licht that's sure to work!? Then it hit him...

"A LETTER!!!! I can give Licht a love letter!"

That night Patri stayed up all night writing the perfect letter for Licht, and thanks to the no sleep he got it made it easy to slip out when everyone was still sleeping, and slipped the note under Licht's door for him to find in morning.

In the morning

Patri was watching out his window waiting for Licht to get his letter, he saw Raia knock on Licht's door, but what is he doing? Patri watched Raia look over at him so he ducked quickly, but even doing that Patri knows Raia saw him and there was no denying that. when he peeked back up he saw as Raia picked up his love letter for Licht a put it in his pocket. That little...!!

Patri could hardly believe what Raia just did to his letter. But that wasn't what was important, now Patri needed another way to tell Licht how he felt! Physical touch was a bust, a beautiful sun set didn't work, the letter never made it, so all that is left is a straight up confession, he must tell Licht he fells with his own words that are not on paper but out loud, but only were Licht can hear him not the whole elf tribe.

Later That Day 

Patri kept running over what he was going to say to Licht and by after noon, he knew, he knew just what he wanted to say, just all the right words to finely get Licht to love him back. Patri had asked Licht to him on top of there favorite hill, it was spring and the cherry blossoms were in bloom and the wind was blowing just enough so that cherry blossoms petals covered the hill side.

Patri sat there waiting for Licht and just hoped he didn't forget. About two hours later Licht finally arrived.


"Licht! you came!!"

"Yes, why wouldn't I? I came on time right?"

"Actually you were suppose to show up two hours ago..."

"Oh, I'm sorry Patri, Raia give me a letter you wrote that said to meet you up here by four pm."

"Oh did he, well I'm gonna have to speak with him later."

"So what is it you wanted to speak with me about, Patri?"

"Well, umm, Licht. For a long time I've felt really close to you, and I didn't really know what this felling was tell about three months ago, and umm, well you see..." Patri froze, he had forgot the words he rehearsed for this and didn't know how to continue. Patri just think from heart tell him what you've wanted to tell him for so long, you got this Patri, just speak for the heart and every thing well be all right. As Patri called on all his courage to face Licht he finally spoke again.

"Look Licht, I like you!"

"I like you to Patri were friends aren't we."

"No Licht, no Friends kinda like, like, umm, love kinda like..."

"Oh, I see, well Patri, I love you to, but not in that way, you see I'm getting married to a wonderful women, and even if I were to date you it would be kinda wrong, Patri your 14 I'm 24. Do you see where I'm coming from Patri?"

"Yeah, I guess..."

"I'm sorry Patri, truly I am sorry and I do hope you forgive me."

"I do."

"Now I really must get going Tetia is waiting for me. Goodbye Patri, see you later."

"Yeah, bye."

As Patri watched Licht walk away Raia came up behind him.

"A swing a miss kid, a swing and a miss."

"Oh shut up Raia!!"

The End

You can request plots and Elf's for me to do next, just leave it in the comments. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!!  :3

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