The Perfect Picnic (Raia x Vetto) Lemon

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This is a request from @ThailaTeles8  I hope you like it!!!

It was late mid day Vetto watched Raia walk away after Raia said he was going to retire for the night.
Fana watched as she noticed Vetto was looking at more then just Raia. 

"Be careful Vetto, if you look away his ass mite begone!"

"Oh shut up Fana!!"

Vetto walked over to Fana and sat next to her. 

"Hey Fana?"

"Yeah, what is it?"

"I like Raia."

"Well no shit! I don't think I've ever seen someone stare that much at someones ass in my life!! Unless were talking about Licht, but thats a different story."

"Not helpful Fana."

"Sorry, so what am I like your wing-man?"

"Try wing-girl."

"Why are you so sexist Vetto, do you want my help or not?"

"I want you help."

"Alright then, I'm wing-man."

Later the next day, Fana was talking with Raia, Vetto tried to lesion, but he looked really stalkery, so he stopped. Later Fana came up to Vetto who was sitting on the top of the hill. 

"Hey Vetto."


"Raia like Picnic, his mother use to take him on them all the time."

"Oh right, his mother died when he was young."

"Anyways, his favorite flower is lilac's, his favorite things are backing in the sun, so have a picnic in mid day so that after you eat you two can sit in the sun and talk."

"Okay, okay, so umm do you ask somebody out?"

"Are you serious? Just because I'm a girl, you think I know how to ask someone out?"


"YOU JERK!!!" Fana hit Vetto across the face.

"What was that for?!"

"Let me ask you something Vetto, do you see the boyfriend I have?"


"That because I don't know HOW TO ASK SOMEONE OUT!!!! Now got figure it out!!"

"Okay, okay!"

Vetto walked off and went to Raia's house, he paused for a second wondering if this was good ideal. About to knock, practically paralyzed, Vetto's hand hovered above the door, ready to knock, then the door open. Raia stood there quit startled by Vetto.

"Oh Raia, hi."

"Umm? Hi? What are you doing outside my door?"

"I was gonna knock on it."

"My door?"

"Yes not you, I wasn't gonna knock you." (Why did you just say that, oh stupid Vetto!!)

"Okay, is there something you need?"

"Well umm...Raia, would you like to go out? with...with me?"

"*hu*" Raia blushed, his whole face red. " want to go out with me? Li..Like a...a..a date?"


"Umm okay."

"Really!!??" Vetto was shock, sure that Raia would say no, but he actually said yes!

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