They Warned Me. (Lira)

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This is a request from @ThailaTeles8 Warning this chapter contain Sex, Rape, Threats

It was an afternoon and all the elf's just finished the group dinner, Lira and Lufulu ran to the nearest river and jumped in, splashing one another till Lufulu complained about the water in his eyes.
Licht came over and told them to get out before they caught cold, due to the fact it wasn't warm by this time of day. Lira was taking a walk in the forest before he went to bed, quit exhausted he thought it to be a good ideal to go back to the village, till he laid his eye's on a human fishing. He blinked twice to make sure his eye weren't playing a trick on him.

Lira went back to the village and found Licht.


"What is it?"

"I saw a human fishing!!"

"Just leave him alone, who knows what kind of creep he is."

"Did you make sure Tetia wasn't a creep before you caught her?"

"Tetia is different."

"Well maybe his different?!!"

"Lira I'm warning you, don't go to him!!"


Ignoring Lichts warning he went back to the forest. After a long walk Lira made it back to were the fisher-man was. He walked up to him.

"Hello? Sir?"


"What are you doing out here so late?"

"I could ask you the same question little...elf."

Lira touched the tip of his ears hearing the tone when he said elf, Lira walked closer.

"Are you lost?"

"No just fishing. Are you lost?"

"No umm..." At the moment Lira realized he's never been in this part of the forest before. "Well I wasn't lost, tell I realized I haven't been here before."

"In that case come here. I'll take care of you."

"Oh, umm....that not necessary, I'll just find my way back." Lira shivered as the wind blow. The man walked closer to Lira and touched his shoulder.

"No, please stay at my place, at lease till morning."

"Umm...okay, I don't see a problem with that. Licht mite get worried though?"

"I'm sure this Licht will be okay. Now this way."

As the man took Lira back to his house, he was very gentle with him, and when he got tried The man carried Lira to his house. He laid Lira down on the couch. 

"Would you like some tea?"

"tea sounds nice, thank you. Umm...Sir, what is your name?"

"My name is Aku."

"Aku *hu* Thats a nice name."

"Why thank you,.....What is your name little one?"

"Oh, I'm Lira!"

"Your a sexy little thing Lira."

"You think I'm sexy?"

"Of course I do, look at you. Whats not sexy about you?"

"I don't think anybody as ever called me sexy before."

"Well they should."

"Can I say something crazy?"


"I think I love you."

"Well I love you to, I'm sure we'd make a wonderful couple."


"Yes really, Can I say something crazy?"

"Of course."

"Marry me?"

"Can I say something even crazier? Yes!"

"Great!! Here a ring, let me put it on you."

"You really want to marry an elf?"

"Your race means nothing to me, it's your personalty that I've fallen for."

But this man was only using he's sweet words to deceive the young elf, he didn't really love Lira, he wanted a pet. But he wasn't going to tell Lira that, all that Lira was aware of is that to this man 'Aku' he was his wife, His only job is to stay home and bare children.

Two Weeks had pasted, and Aku had forced sex upon Lira everyday, he keep a dog collar around his neck. Ever time one of Aku friends came over Aku treated Lira like a pet, or more of a sex pet, Aku's friends also raped Lira.

Lira thought that the rape would never end and he'd just die within the wall's of this guys house. Aku came in one late night and pulled the collar that was upon Lira's neck.

"Come here my sexy little doll." Lira wasn't given close so his bare skin was dragged across the floor to the mans feet. Aku unbuttoned his pants.

"You want to know something about me. My name Aku, it means Evil. Funny isn't it." The word evil rang thought Lira's head. Aku pulled Lira's leg onto his shoulder and thrusted in hard making Lira scream in pain. wondering if he'd ever see the elf tribe again, he cried, screamed and kicked. But nothing would make the awful pain in his lower half stop. Lira beg, and beg, but still nothing. Aku didn't lesson to any of Lira's pleads, and continued to thrust harder and faster in and out of Lira. 

After one hour of screaming and crying Aku stopped. hearing the sound of someone knocking on his door he left to go see who it was, one of his friends or something? No, when he opened the door there stood an elf with a white braid.

"That elf in there, he belongs to me."

"No, his mine, were married."

"Was there an elf present at the ceremony?"

"No, why?"

"Then you cannot be married to an elf. This marriage is not final, so he will be coming with me, or do I have to make him a widow?"

"Are you threatening me?"

"Yes, yes I am. Now please give him to me."

"Fine take him you freak!"

Aku grabbed the collar and pulled Lira over and throw him at Licht. Along with a blanket.

"Licht you came for me?"

"Of course I did, now lets get you home, were you belong."

"Licht I swear I will never not lesson to you again!"

"Lira not now, lets just get you home."

Licht carried Lira back to elf village and took him to his own house for the night, By Morning all the elf came to Lichts house asking if Lira was okay, and thanks to Lira happy personality he was acting normal as ever. Lufulu wanted to play with Lira in the river, but his body was in to much pain, but Lira did paint Lufulu playing in the river which was good enough for both of them.

The End

Hope you enjoyed and I will be taking request if anyone wants me to make their favorite Elf have there own chapter, you can even pick a plot which can contain any of the following.





Special Ship's


or anything you can come up with.But most importantly have fun with it!! I love all my followers and thank you for reading!! :3

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