xiii. campaign

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Istanbul, Turkey

Indeed, the Sultan did visit her the day he left for campaign; reportedly after spending the previous night in the arms of Hürrem Hatun.

During those days, things had been easy. Liljana acted as she always had, though with a slightly guiltier expression whilst doing so, and Suncana's smile had only grown.

When her gifts had arrived from Sultan Suleiman the night after Liljana's escapades, Kelebek had been sure to share some of her dresses and jewellery with Sevil and Suncana. She had even given two outfits to Liljana.

Loyalty, she wished to show them, would be rewarded. And nobody should want to discover what occurs to the disloyal.

"Please be safe in all your travels, my Sultan," Kelebek said, her hands upon his shoulders as he leant his forehead against hers, "come back to our child and I unharmed."

"I promise," the Sultan declared to her, a wide smile displayed upon his face.

Before he left, Kelebek offered him a chaste kiss and passed him a letter. The Sultan raised a brow at it but she merely told him, "open it when you miss me the most."

He agreed with a nod, reluctantly peeling himself away from her after a quick kiss to the forehead.

"I'll always miss you, melek," we're his last words as he disappeared through the door, off to say goodbye to his immediate family.

Kelebek could not help but wonder what kind of chaos would reign in the harem whilst the Sultan was gone. The most scheming, she knew, would see it as an opportunity.


"Have you heard?" Liljana Hatun, emerging from her chamber on the favourites corridor, asked as soon as she saw Kelebek.

"Heard what?" The blonde inquired, her mind more so on when she would get a bump. At the time of her examination, the physician said she had been around six weeks. It would now have been eight weeks - should her stomach be rounded already? Kelebek did not think it was yet.

In a hushed voice, the dark-haired girl informed her, "that the Valide is trying to marry off Hürrem Hatun!"

Now that caught Kelebek's attention.

"The girl in my room, Dilruba, witnessed the whole thing in the gardens! They're going to try to get rid of her. I hope they succeed," Liljana said.

The so I can take her place was left unsaid.

Still, it wasn't as if Kelebek could blame her. She, herself, had high ambitions. Liljana would simply have to prepare for everything that would come with it - exactly what Hürrem was experiencing right now.

"Also, there's going to be a celebration tonight hosted by the Valide!" Liljana declared quickly.

Kelebek shot her a calculating look. Normally it was Suncana coming to her with all the information; clearly Liljana was determined to prove her worth and loyalty.

Little did she know that she didn't even need to, Kelebek would not look for enemies where there was not one. Though she would keep in mind another's potential to amount to one.

So, the blonde turned to her friend and offered her a small smile, "we must look our bests then; our Valide Sultan is someone who deserves perfection."

With a sharp nod, the other woman agreed and the two made their way down the stairs towards the baths.

Not long after their baths, it was time to make their way to the hall.

When Kelebek entered, the Valide offered her a large smile and offered her a seat close to her.

Kelebek Sultan | {SULEIMAN} Magnificent CenturyWhere stories live. Discover now