xxv. three, two, one

586 37 2

Istanbul, Turkey

The very next morning, Kelebek Hatun penned a letter to the Sultan. She told him of how Zeynep's favourite things were to blow raspberries and giggle at passing Hatuns; she spoke how she had enjoyed the gardens and the bite of the coming winter; she mentioned meeting with the Valide and Sultana Hatice, and how both were well.

Finally, Kelebek announced her pregnancy - of her excitement and hope for them to have their own Şehzade at last, or a daughter as beautiful as her sister.

She also made sure to write words of longing. Rather poetic ones, of course, considering his rumoured enjoyment of such writings.

In fact, Kelebek was quite content for him to stay where he was for now. There were no concerns about others gaining more favour than her, she was free to only concern herself with keeping herself and her children safe and damaging Kiraz's reputation.

Sultana Hatice had even begun to visit her on occasion, Gülfem Sultan regularly joining her. Though forlorn, Kelebek did enjoy the Sultana's company, who had an honest kindness about her that came with being born into power rather than having to claw your way to it.

Gülfem, on the other hand, seemed to bask in the company of little Zeynep. Kelebek rather thought she must remind the other woman of her deceased son - Şehzade Mahmud - and her heart went out to the older woman.

"Any word from your musician?" Kelebek would inquire at times, the women having settled on that term so they may speak of Pargali Ibrahim Pasha in front of others without clueing them in.

"Yes," Sultana Hatice replied with a shy smile, looking up from where she had been watching Gülfem playing with Zeynep. "He wrote of his longing to return to court to perform again, that his music feeds his love."

Kelebek hid a smile, hand coming up to adjust the pink diamond on her headband.

Sultana Hatice's eyes rose with it, her lips curving up further. "My brother is talented, is he not? The jewellery he creates is always so beautiful."

"His Majesty truly is," Kelebek said, speaking fast to make it seem as if she were gushing about him. She needed to look every inch of a fool in love. "It is just so beautiful, and Hürrem Sultan's ring is just as lovely. Has he made jewellery for you and others as well, Sultana?"

Hatice seemed to scan her face for jealousy, eyes lightening when she saw none.

"He has made me a beautiful ring and bracelet," the Sultana responded. "Mahidevran Sultan also has a lovely set of ruby earrings he crafted to appear as flowers. Perhaps the most beautiful piece he has made was a crown for the Valide, such perfect jewels."

Kelebek widened her eyes. "How lovely, I shall have to ask the Valide Sultan if she will show it to me sometime."

Sultana Hatice put her hand over Kelebek's, squeezing.

From the ground, Gülfem Hatun looked up, before producing her own hand to Kelebek. "He made me this," she said hesitantly, toying with a loose silver bracelet with aquamarines hanging from it, "to remember our son."

"It's gorgeous, Gülfem Sultan," Kelebek said, reverently. "I am so sorry I never got to meet Şehzade Mahmud. If you ever feel like talking about him, I would love to hear about him. I would like Zeynep to know of him as well one day."

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