xxx. kelebek sultan

682 37 4

Istanbul, Turkey

"It's too early," Kelebek murmured as Banu Hatun, her younger sister in heart, tried to soothe her with a cool washcloth on her forehead. "It is too soon. They can't die. I don't want to die."

"It will be okay, Kelebek," the watery eyed Hatun tried to soothe.

All Kelebek Hatun could do was look up at her with desperate eyes. "But what if it's not?"

Before Banu could reply, the younger girl was tugged from her place next to the Croatian Hatun. Instead, two older, more weathered hands placed them either side of her face.

She was forcibly angled so that all Kelebek could see was Meltem Kalfa.

"Do not think like that, do you hear me, Hatun?" The older woman spoke harshly. "If you think you have one foot in the grave, you will. The mind is a powerful thing. So, I want you to start believing you will survive. It is early, but mothers and babes have survived earlier births and you are a strong woman. I believe you will live for yourself, for your daughter and for this child, and I need you to believe that as well."

Kelebek could only look at her with wide eyes. Where had this fierce attitude come from?

Meltem showed her no pity, not even when she writhed in pain. "Now repeat after me, Hatun. We'll say it three times. I will survive."

"I," Kelebek began, her voice hoarse with strain. "I-I will survive."

Meltem Kalfa nodded, pleased. "Again."

The blonde Hatun paused to let out a shout of pain, before continuing once again. "I w-will survive."

"One more time, Hatun."

"I will survive," Kelebek continued, "for my Zeynep, for this child, and for myself."

Meltem Kalfa smiled. "You are ready."


It was early morning before there was any news to bring to the Sultan, who at the end stages of the labour had made his way to the Harem, waiting with the Valide for news.

It was Meltem Kalfa who went to inform them of the results.

"Kelebek has given birth," the Kalfa announced. "It was a difficult birth with some complications, so she will need at least eight weeks recovery, but she is healthy."

The Valide nodded. "And my grandchild? The birth was too early."

The auburn haired Kalfa shook her head. "Not in this case, my Valide. In fact, the birth was right on time."

Both the Sultan and the Valide looked perplexed.

"Twin pregnancies come to term earlier than single ones," Meltem explained, "as there is less space for the babes to grow."

The Sultan suddenly took to his feet. "I have two new children? Are they both healthy?"

It was often the case that one child would not survive the birth when there was two.

Kelebek Sultan | {SULEIMAN} Magnificent CenturyWhere stories live. Discover now