xxiii. the favoured

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Istanbul, Turkey

Kelebek was not called to the Sultan's rooms that night. Instead, he came to her.

His face was rough with anger, no doubt having visited Hürrem Sultan before coming to her chambers.

Kelebek was quick to use that to her advantage, sending young Zeynep away with Banu once the Sultan had been able to see her.

Then, the Croatian Hatun laid a hand upon his cheek, smoothing away the lines.

"Shall your melek ease your troubles?" Kelebek inquired, looking up at him through her lashes with the smallest of smiles.

He returned it in full. "What have I done to deserve you, melek?" He asked, seemingly not to her but the heavens.

She let out a short laugh. "And I you."

Kelebek pressed her lips against his own, planning for many nights like this one. Hürrem Sultan may rise again, she did have a Şehzade after all, so she would take every advantage of her loss - however long it may be.


"She wants you out of the palace," Defne Hatun informed Kelebek when the former rose that morning, the Sultan having left at dawn. "It's all Kata will speak about - how her new son will ensure the Sultan will send you to the Old Palace before long. She also intends to convert as you and Hürrem have."

Kelebek hummed in response, running a fine brush through her mid-length hair. "For all her arrogance, she should name herself for the universe. Cihan Hatun."

Defne let out a snort from opposite her, prompting Banu, Sevil and Kelebek to laugh at her. The other girl put on a mock-offended look.

"The Sultan does not appreciate cruel rivalries, as has already been seen by the way Mahidevran lost him," Kelebek declared. "Perhaps he shall find out about her words somehow."

Sevil nodded, one side of her lips pulled up. "Somehow," she echoed.

"Are you not concerned that Kata may go to Hürrem or to Mahidevran to try to bring you down?" Banu inquired, worried.

Kelebek smiled, moving to take her daughter from Sevil Hatun's arms. "None of them see me as a threat. I am but the mother of a beautiful daughter."

For now, that is.


Viktoria Hatun was rewarded greatly for her role in saving the Şehzades. She was to stay with Ayşe Hatun in the Favourite's Wing, and called up to personally serve the Valide Sultan.

How quickly she was elevated in such short time, Kelebek thought, wondering if it was truly a coincidence that prompted the Hatun to leave the festives at just the right moment to save the two Şehzades.

Still, her swift rise did little to affect Kelebek for now. The Hatun had yet to be summoned down the golden road, instead it was Kelebek called to his chambers that night - and was told to bring Zeynep with her.

When she arrived, Şehzade Mustafa and Şehzade Mehmet were already there, Hürrem Sultan's Gülnihal having accompanied the latter.

Kelebek Sultan | {SULEIMAN} Magnificent CenturyWhere stories live. Discover now