25 days to go

87 10 8

"Clara!" Abigail squeaked as she ran towards me and pulled me into a bone braking hug.  "Oh my god, I have been so worried! Your mum didn't let me visit but she did tell me that you colapsed in the forest!"  I rolled my eye at her and laghed.  "Abs, I'm fine, I felt dizzy and fainted that all"

"What about your eyes? Oh and your skin, with the black vains, even you have to abmit, that was creepy" Abi argued,

The doctor said it was some rare skin condition" I lied "Im getting the cure for it tonight or tomorrow."  her face looked sympathetic but like she was going to burst out with laghter at the same time.  "Let's get to class, don't whant to be late" i said linking my arm into hers.

   We took are seats just in time for Mr Branner to give out the morning anouncements.  Nothing special: girls wearing to much make up, boys playing football in class, the normal stuffthat no one ever lissend to.  I was half way through a convorsation with Abi when He (Brandon) walsed in.  Tall, good looking but he new that, with a stupid smirk plasterd across his face.  I had to admit, he was perfect, but he new that to.  Thats what made him such a asshole most of the time, the rest was because he breathed and spoke.  "Hay" he flirted as he took his seat next to me.  I turned my back on him and continued my convorsation, to show that I really wasn't interusted.  But that plan faild when Abigail was called into the heads office.  The class rored with childish tutting and ohing.  All but me and Brandon.  Of course if she was off to see the head it would be for something good.  She was way to swat like to be in for any other reason.  I smilled at her as she wounderd past, and she gave off a little grin. 

When she was gone I placed my head on the table and sighed.  "So, I guess its just you and me ei babe?" Brandon flirted,

"No" theres me and theres you! Now just leave me alone!" I snapped back, but he paid no attention.  "Heard you had a run in with one of my pack mates, good thing you had your big bro there to save you ei cub"

"Hes not my brother, and I'm not a cub, I'm sixteen unless you havent noticed" I turned to face him so he could see my eyes flash yellow and gold.  He just laghed and floded his arms.  I wasnt fooling him.  He could tell I wasnt a thret to a little bunny rebbit, never mind a wolf.  "All right" I said, giving up "How did you know I havnt changed yet? Have you been stalking me? Coz if you have, I may be no threat but me pack is"

"No of corse I havn't been stalking you, I can sence it, your more human than wolf"

"Then how come your pack couldn't sence it then?"

"I don't know maby its coz we change on the same day...Oh! GOD!" I sent him a cheeky grin before bolting out of the classroom as soon as the bell rang.  He was a sixteen year old cub.  Like me! Well i'm going to keep that to myself... NOT!        

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